The European Commission contracted a study on the role of trade secrets and confidential business information as possible drivers for innovation, competitiveness and economic growth in the EU.
P.s: Parce que les consommateurs ont finalement le droit de savoir ce que fait le marché et les différentes Directions à BruXelles et monsieur Timmermans au Regelgeving. Il peut répondre avec son clavier. Cela ira plus vite. C'est sur l'émancipation des consommateurs quand ils en ont assez de se faire prendre pour des pigeons. Et que des responsables n'ont pas assez pris les responsabilités qu'ils devaient prendre auX postes à responsabilités., about legal matters: ce n'est quand même pas monsieur Timmermans qui fait la loi.
In the interests of society - CSR offers a set of values on which we can build a more cohesive society and base the transition to a sustainable economic system:
EU consumers may have different preferences when it comes to the colour or brand of products such as a new laptop or a toy for their children. At the same time, they eXpect all products on the market to be safe.
By affixing the CE marking to a product, the manufacturer assumes full responsibility for its compliance with all safety requirements. Unfortunately, due to counterfeiting or the misuse of CE marking, there is never a 100% guarantee that a product bearing the mark is safe.
The EU has strengthened the entire system, consisting of manufacturers, importers, distributors, notified bodies, and market surveillance authorities, through the New Legislative Framework. The new legislation aims to reduce burdens on trade while ensuring a high level of safety.
What can you do to improve the safety of products on the market?
Although most European manufacturers, importers, and distributors follow the rules, consumers can also play an important role in improving the safety of products:
- Always buy products from trustworthy shops and online outlets: If an offer seems too good to be true, it may well be. Trustworthy shops take care with the products they sell and usually accept returns. On the other hand, rogue traders tend to ignore health and safety rules, and may also sell fake products.
- Read all warnings and instructions: Be aware of age and safety recommendations, especially in the case of toys.
- Always report a safety problem: Inform the manufacturer or the retailer from whom you bought the product. In addition, contact the appropriate public authority. This ensures that further steps to ensure the safety of the product will be taken.
Contact information
For a consumer perspective on CE marking, please contact:
ANEC, the European consumer voice in standardisation
Avenue de Tervueren 32, Box 27
B-1040 Brussels, Belgium
The Directorate-General (DG) for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs helps the internationalisation of European businesses and their competitiveness in order to generate growth and jobs... à l'heure du vieillissement de la population.
Et si monsieur Timmermans venait à La Haye au Peace Palace ou dans la bibliothèque eXpliquer ce à quoi il travaille eXactement au Regelgeving?
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