European Schoolnet
Visiting address:
Rue de Trèves, 61 (3rd floor)
1040 Brussels
Tel: +32 2/790 75 75
Qui fait quoi dans l'enseignement et avec tous ces écrans proposés auX jeunes élèves dès la maternelle... en Europe?
Depuis le Conseil de l'Europe, les responsables travaillent les questions difficiles liées à l'Education, auX médias, à la Culture en Europe. Les Européens suivent l'avancée des travauX. La Commission européenne octroie quant à elle des subventions auX organismes bruXellois travaillant l'Education et la Culture en Europe. Les Européens suivent où se déplacent les subventions européennes qui servent l'intérêt général en Europe en tout cas.
Our member for Switzerland is the Swiss Agency for ICT in Education (Centre suisse des technologies de l'information dans l'enseignement / Schweizerische Fachstelle für Informationstechnologien im Bildungswesen), which aims promote the integration of information and communication technologies ICT in the Swiss education system.
Main educational portal:
Contact details: Swiss Agency for ICT in education Erlachstrasse 21 Case postale 612 3000 Berne 9 Switzerland Tel: +41 (0)31 300 55 00 Fax:+41 (0)31 300 55 01 Email:
Description of activities:
The Agency’s task mainly consists of informing, documenting and advising the various decision makers in the education system on ICT and its purpose in education. The services of this Agency are directed to school authorities and teachers of preschool level, primary school level, lower secondary level, upper secondary lever (including vocational education) and special needs education.
The Swiss Agency for ICT in Education:
Informs and documents on ICT matters
Initiates, manages and coordinates pedagogical ICT projects on national and international levels
Manages and expands the Swiss Education Server and keeps it up to date as the national Internet platform Creates networks and runs them
Manages the secretariat of the Swiss ICT and Education Coordination Conference
Negotiates basic conditions on ICT products and services and offers these to schools
Organises conferences and events on ICT and education for education experts
Observes new developments in the field of ICT
Information about the Swiss education system and ICT policies: Insight country report.
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