dinsdag 28 oktober 2014

"You have to start from the perspective that you have no real privacy"...



Stahl: We know they're collecting whatever they can. The business model of the Internet is about collecting information and using this information for either marketing or sales purposes. Some of it is valuable. I shop on Amazon regularly, and it's nice that they keep track of what I shop for, because they make some good suggestions.


Stahl: Our kids are taking pictures and putting them on Snapchat, and god knows what kinds of photos. Snapchat is supposed to forget, but it looks like a third-party app connected into Snapchat didn't forget. Then there's the nude celebrity photos.


CIO.com: Do big corporations also violate user privacy?




Any company that gathers data from consumers has to be transparent about what it collects and how it's used, in order to build trust, Wong said during a panel at the GigaOm Structure Connect conference in San Francisco. Web and mobile products have ways of communicating that message and giving users choices, but many IoT devices don't, she said. As examples, she cited the lights in a consumer's home and future monitoring devices that are injected in the bloodstream. (?)


Et les jeunes et les mineurs ont été joyeusement mis derrière les écrans. Qui surveille? Et que dit la Justice internationale? Qui est responsable de quoi? Qui fait quoi? Comment penser la protection de la jeunesse face à l'électronique et au schadelijk media aanbod. Est-ce que le Safer Internet à BruXelles ou au LuXembourg pourrait se joindre à la discussion?

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