zaterdag 1 november 2014

Internet eXplorer...

La presse inspire...

Des mots:

- paroXystiques
- méticuleuX
- eXhaustif
- travauX
- eXcellents
- eXtrapolation
- journauX
- nombreuX
- jeuX
- magazines
- scientifiques
- des livres
- des sites
- des conneXions
- eXposition
- juXtaposition
- compleXité
- simplicité
- seXe
- amoureuX
- XXouXY
- heureuX
- génération X
- remiX
- identité miXte
- eXplanation
- eXtraordinaire
- eXtra-terrestre
- eXtranet
- eXotique
- eXistentialisme
- eXpérience
- luXe
- enjeuX
- eXercices
- eXpertise
- réfleXion
- experiment
- eXpression
- piXels
- observatoire français des drogues et des toXicomanies
- eXposition
- postmodernisme
- dans le collage, il y a des XX
- alledaagse thema's
- happenings&performance
- International eXhibition of the New Realists
- when?
- les nouveauX réalistes
- industrial eXpansion
- écrire et penser le genre en conteXte
- penser la littérature électronique dans la postmodernité
- l'âne est postmoderne
- interteXtualité
- teXte
- des mots
- perspective
- et Justice en conteXte
- jeuX et enjeuX de l'eXpérience de lecture
- la 3ème voiX
- rencontre du 3ème type
- penser le XXIème siècle
- penser le XXème siècle
- eXchange
- stock eXchange
- eXpats
- world federation of eXchanges
- eXpectation
- aXe création contemporaine
- critique
- ...
- écrire l'histoire
- on fait quoi à l'université? pas toujours les mêmes
- les rapports art-littérature-histoire, quels lieuX?
- rencontre conviviale à La Haye
- Palais de PaiX
- par eXemple
- Need for an ethical framework

Algorithms are certainly not value-free in the sense that choices that are made by algorithms only consist of rational assessments that can be summarised in a 0 or a 1. The choices that are made by algorithms are partly based on considerations that have been included in them by the programmer, and it is therefore important that more attention is paid to these value-linked choices that are included in these algorithms.

1] Schumpeter, J.A. (1935) The analysis of economic change. The Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 17 , no. 4, (May 1935) pp. 2-10
[2] Schumpeter J.A. (1939) Business Cycles. A Theoretical, Historical and Statistical Analysis of the Capitalist Process. ISBN 9781578985562
[3] Chr. Steiner (2013) Automate this. How algorithms took over our markets, our jobs, and the world. ISBN 9781591846529
[4] Securing the future of German manufacturing industry. Recommendations for implementing the strategic initiative INDUSTRIE 4.0 (2013) Final report of the Industrie 4.0 Working Group

- internet of things or internet full of humans?

- etcetera.

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