dinsdag 5 juli 2016

"Wetenschappelijke innovatie bij overheid en in het bedrijfsleven"...

Dans Trouw du 1 juillet 2016.

Les priX Nobels ne sont pas contents, des critiques sont émises sur l'éthique à suivre dans les laboratoires. C'est quoi l'éthique dans les salles de rédaction et dans les laboratoires? Comment comprendre l'éthique comme dans Business Ethics ou Corporate Social Responsibility? Encore une fois.


Les chercheurs de la CETCOPRA ou de TECHNOLOGOS sont invités au débat proposé, depuis Paris ou AiX-Marseille ou encore Grenoble et même depuis les labos lyonnais. Comment sont rémunérés les chercheurs? Avec quel argent?

The Cetcopra founded in 1989 by Pr Alain Gras, its director until 2010, is an interdisciplinary research center dedicated to socio-anthropological and philosophical research on contemporary and emerging technologies. Three distinctive features characterize its approach.

An object-centered approach. Airplanes, videogames, softwares, medical imaging techniques, biometric devices, biomarkers and prostheses, plastic waste… each case study is an attempt to disentangle the interaction between technological objects, society and nature. How do artefacts reconfigure social relationships, subjectivities and public policies ? What views of nature do they convey in their design and their uses ?

Field enquiry : Cetcopra researchers start their investigations by field immersion for observing the actors, learning their language, entering into a dialogue, understanding their views, and interpret them through various perspectives. The empirical approach is not driven by an overarching a priori theroretical model. Rather an appropriate theroretical framework is tailored for each case study.

Questioning technology: The goal of the Cetcopra in approaching new objects is to identify the issues raised by emerging technologies. We focus on the problems raised by their implementation in a community of practioners, or on the tensions upstream in the design process. In any case we question the cultural impacts, the synergistic effects or radical changes. The overall objective of the Cetcopra is to develop a critical reflection on emerging technologies and to encourage a more reflexive attitude among the various actors of technological innovation (scientists, engineers, manufacturers, decision-makers, and users).

The Laboratory

The CETCOPRA (EA 2483) is presently chaired by Pr Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent.

It is part of the UFR of Philosophy of University Paris1, and it is closely associated with the Service général des sciences sociales

It gathers sociologists, philosophers, political scientists, communication scientists, engineers and medical doctors.


in: http://www.univ-paris1.fr/unites-de-recherche/cetcopra/accueil

Secrétariat du CETCOPRA :

17, rue de la Sorbonne
Bureau D303, Esc. C - 1er étage
75005 Paris
tel: +33 (0)1 40 46 28 37

Centre de recherche:

17, rue de Tolbiac
Bureau D303 - 5ème étage
75013 Paris
tel: +33 (0)1 45 86 44 48

Courriel : cetco@univ-paris1.fr

P.s: La plateforme GOOGLE en a déjà parlé, elle en reparle. Le bonjour auX équipes transhumanistes qui travaillent à la Sorbonne, où, fut un temps, Erasme depuis la Hollande, vint y suivre des cours dans les Humanités bien comprises.

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