woensdag 16 december 2015

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIF5fqURcNk... To rewrite the relationship between states and their citizens...


The New Digital Age

The New Digital Age: Re-shaping the Future of People, Nations and Business,[23] co-authored with Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt, was a New York Times bestseller.[24] The book considers the geopolitical future when 5 billion additional people come online, and the presumed terrorism, war, identity theft, conflict and altered relations between nations that the authors say will result. The book grew out of an article, "The Digital Disruption",[25] which was published in Foreign Affairs magazine in November 2010. Cohen and Schmidt suggest that technology will rewrite the relationship between states and their citizens in the 21st century.


in: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jared_Cohen

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