dinsdag 24 juni 2014


Développer des pistes cyclables et de bons vélos même pour personnes âgées.



Despite pushing for a smaller European budget, with public finances under pressure, leaders of our
Member States nevertheless understood the need to increase by 30%, to 80 billion EUR, our overall
research and innovation budget, called Horizon 2020.


Transform. We need a change of culture so that innovation is a way of being in our education
system and marketplace: children’s, students’, employees' skills and creativity must be better
nurtured, with greater tolerance to risk; so that start‐ups can flourish, such as in the digital
sector. Shareholder profit should not be the sole criterion of success, with more focus on
venture capital and patents so that our researchers and entrepreneurs can get a financial
return in their intellectual investment here, in Europe.

We may have missed the boat on Web 2.0, a sector now dominated by US companies, but we cannot afford
to miss the next one, whatever form it takes, nor sell our ideas prematurely to a global competitor. A
German company produced the goal line technology for this month's World Cup in Brazil: by investing,
reforming and transforming, we can score more goals and create jobs in a vibrant, exciting, competitive
economy; we can find solutions to the big societal challenges across all our sectors, making Europe the
scientific place to be.

P.s: Des Européens inviteront monsieur Barroso à venir à La Haye, en zone internationale, dans le cadre de la rencontre participative, organisée sur le thème de la bonne gouvernance en Europe et comment l'argent public y est dépensé. Surtout à BruXelles. Est-ce de la politique fiction? À l'heure du tout électronique à l'usage de tous et de la par-ti-ci-pa-tion.

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