dinsdag 15 juli 2014

Autour des produits lititigieuX ou illicites, une concertation est nécessaire... http://eur-lex.europa.eu/homepage.html...BIG Ones and... rights..


This blog proposes to meet in The Hague in order to define precisely where the challenges are to be found. Which challenges eXactly?


Well, here we are, this is where the problems might be: Which governance for Europe? Which Internet governance? This blog doesn't talk about the Internet of Things, it speaks about an Internet full of Humans. It would invite Bill Gates and his wife in The Hague too. Where are the engaged citizens who can make the change possible in the right direction? I really think citizens are able to do a lot today. Some are empowered... Electronics. Une forme de powerféminisme que Neely Kroes connaît d'ailleurs fort bien... They are empowered thanks to the machines. La machine amie de la femme. Right? It mustn't be so difficult to determine where the difficulties and challenges are today. In fact, citizens who are volunteer to help positive changes happen need to meet somewhere. In REAL. The perfect place to be could be the Peace Palace in The Hague. Maybe the right place to meet. Is it a good idea? What do they think in America and in Brussels?


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