vrijdag 20 juni 2014

Games, serious games, very serious games, Thales et Dassault?... Cybermachin&Cie...


In addition to the main conference topics below, the advisory group invites submissions to the following mini tracks:

- Game-based Learning in Business chaired by Professor Dr.-Ing. Carsten Busch, University of Applied Sciences HTW Berlin, Germany
- Design of Learning Games chaired by Dr Olga Shabalina, Volgograd State Technical University, Russia
- Game Based Learning in Science Education chaired by Dr Ayelet Weizman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
- Games Based Learning in Healthcare and Rehabilitation chaired by Associate Professor Dr Anthony L. Brooks, Director SensoramaLab, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Educational Card Game Based Learning chaired by Dr Maria Kordaki, University of the Aegean, Greece
- Motion sensor gaming in education chaired by Dr Tharrenos Bratitsis, University of Western Macedonia, Greece
- Game-Based Language Learning chaired by Dr Carlos Vaz de Carvalho, Porto Polytechnic (ISEP), Porto, Portugal


Information reçue via la boîte auX lettres: Institut français de l'Éducation - ENS de Lyon - Veille et Analyses.

Welcome to Berlin and to the University of Applied Sciences HTW Berlin, host of the 8th European Conference on Game-Based Learning (ECGBL 2014).

The Fifth International Conference on Serious Games Development & Applications
(SGDA 2014) 9-10 Oct 2014, Berlin, Germany

It is our pleasure to announce that the fifth International Conference on Serious Games Development and Applications (SGDA 2014) will held in Berlin, Germany on 9-10 October 2014, as a satellite conference to European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2014). Both conferences are hosted by University of Applied Sciences HTW Berlin. Registered participants will have access to both conferences.

SGDA 2014 appears in the sequence of the success of the First International Workshop on Serious Games Development and Application at Derby in 2010 (its Proceedings were published as a Special Issue of the Elsevier journal Entertainment Computing, Vol2:2), the Second International Conference on Serious Games Development and Applications, Lisbon in 2011 (Proceedings were published as Springer LNCS 6944), the third SGDA conference at Bremen in 2012 (Springer LNCS 7528), and the SGDA 2013 at Trondheim (Springer LNCS 8101).

The conference aims at collecting and disseminating knowledge on serious games technologies, design and development; to provide game designers and interdisciplinary communities with a peer-reviewed forum to discuss the state-of-the-art in serious games research, their ideas and theories, and innovative applications of serious games; to explain cultural, social and scientific phenomena by means of serious games; to concentrate on the interaction between theory and application; to develop new methodologies in various application domains using games technologies; and to explore perspectives of future developments and innovative applications relevant to serious games and related areas. The strong focus of the conference on the application of serious games by organizations implies the strong involvement of industry through the fostering of an environment where all interested stakeholders share knowledge and network with one another.

Que dit la société? Qui finance tout ça en Europe? A-t-on vraiment besoin de cette technologie du game? C'est un débat qu'il faudrait avoir à La Haye, au Vredespaleis ou dans sa bibliothèque? Comment bien ET convenablement occuper la jeunesse, surtout lorsque la société vieillit. Comment penser l'éducation européenne en 2014? Quels projets? Quelle méthode? Quels liens? Quelle Histoire? Et si on reprenait les choses simplement: créativité, stylo, papier, travauX Manuels, aide à la personne, cours d'éducation européenne, langues, chants, lecture, échanges et partages. Le mot richesse veut dire quoi eXactement? On laisserait un peu les nouvelles technologies tranquilles pour commencer. Ensuite, un peu plus tard, on apprendrait à vraiment bien se servir de la machine par-ti-ci-pa-ti-ve. On travaillerait sur la machine dans un sens po-si-tif. Ce serait le rôle des lycées avec la mise en place de l'éthique au sein de nos sociétés. Création de la richesse. Est-ce que toutes les politiques seraient à revoir? Quel rôle pour les pouvoirs publics dans cette nouvelle politique? Comment correctement participer?


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