zaterdag 21 juni 2014

To play outside or not...


No doubt there are readers for whom the technical details of a future world also explain its fascination. Urban children maybe, who must escape in avatars, games, and costumes because they have little chance to play outside. But most readers, I think, ignore the ray-guns and focus on the protagonists and villains, the fundamentals of storytelling. There’s an inherent difficulty in sharing someone else’s imaginary land: the farther it departs from what the reader knows, no matter how vividly described, the less telling it is. P.D. James’s familiar English world of tea parties and antique shops at a moment when something has stopped humans from reproducing, in her dystopian The Children of Man, is somehow scarier than Atwood’s pigoons, savage animals in her universe, but harder to envision as anything but cute piglets, pink and snorty.

One can only guess what the attractions are for individual novelists of the generally repellent dystopias, and presumably the reason will differ from writer to writer; the reader senses that the psychic origins of Margaret Atwood’s elaborately worked-out dystopian MaddAddam trilogy (Oryx and Crake, The Year of the Flood, and MaddAddam) are not the same as Lee’s. All, no doubt, write from the shared sense of dismay about modern life, though few seem to take on the revolutionary stages by which the world arrived in its dystopian state—the climate change, hydrogen bomb, license, or tyranny that had precipitated the fall. Fiction doesn’t take things on in such vast scale. Either dystopias are logical extensions of today, recognizably ourselves only worse, or our present world is utopia compared to a future wrecked by science or some human tendency, usually greed or fascism, and sometimes science.

Qui est responsable pour la politique concernant la jeunesse? Question simple. Qui s'occupe de la jeunesse et de sa protection? Question très simple. Qui a des intérêts ici ou là? Plus difficile d'y répondre. Où se situent les responbilités dans une société? Question très délicate. Qui a intérêt à coller les individus derrière les écrans sans prendre de précaution? Question vraiment difficile.

Et ceci:

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