vrijdag 3 juli 2015

Sur les clips en tous genres... Ici et là... About compleX and challenging issues...

On évitera de mettre la jeunesse au contact de contenus faisant la promotion de pratiques et de produits litigieuX. Quelles responsabilités en Europe en tout cas? Quelles responsabilités auX postes à responsabilités?

US FTC (2009a), “Beyond Voice: Mapping the Mobile Marketplace”. Staff Report.
Available at www.ftc.gov/reports/mobilemarketplace/mobilemktgfinal.pdf

US FTC (2009b), “Virtual Worlds and Kids: Mapping the Risk”. A Report to Congress.



Protecting minors from harm is a shared responsibility among online sites, parents, teachers, children themselves, researchers and education organizations, and law enforcement. We at Facebook look forward to continuing our diligent work with all these stakeholderes to build a safer internet.

Chief Privacy Officier, 17/12/2008.


As Microsoft identity strategist Kim Cameron wrote in early 2006, “The Internet
was built without a way to know who and what you are connecting to. This limits what we
can do with it and exposes us to growing dangers. If we do nothing, we will face rapidly
proliferating episodes of theft and deception that will cumulatively erode public trust in
the Internet.” From our perspective, the risks of doing nothing include both threats to
public trust, privacy and security, but also the possibility of more draconian responses
which would unduly restrict important social values like anonymity and privacy.


We think collaboration with organizations such as this task force is critical for identifying and implementing solutions that create real progress on this compleX and challenging issue.

Chair, Internet Safety Technical Task Force
Harvard Law School
1545 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138


P.s: Des clips et des sites, de l'industrie dite créative, un peu partout et dans tous les genres. Différents pays aussi. Où se situeraient les responsabilités eXactement dans le commerce et le business s'adressant auX familles et à la jeunesse?

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