7 June 2016
The Ford Foundation Internet Freedom team supported this conference, where creators of and advisors, like conseil de surveillance, for the open internet came together to explore ways that a decentralized web could solve some of the more vexing next generation internet challenges such as anonymity, link permanence, access to knowledge and competition.
“The web is already decentralized,” Mr. Berners-Lee said. “The problem is the dominance of one search engine, one big social network, one Twitter for microblogging. We don’t have a technology problem, we have a social problem.”
One that can, perhaps, be solved by more technology.
Comment penser la technologie et l'éthique comme dans l'éthique des affaires pour quoi faire?
Qui fait quoi à La Haye, une ville de PaiX avec son Peace Palace et son histoire?
Quels réseauX dans la bonne gouvernance de l'Internet?
The Five Eyes, often abbreviated as FVEY, are an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. These countries are bound by the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.[1][2][3]
GCHQ, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom.
GCHQ operates in partnership with equivalent agencies worldwide in a number of bi-lateral and multi-lateral relationships. The principal of these is with the United States (National Security Agency), Canada (Communications Security Establishment), Australia (Australian Signals Directorate) and New Zealand (Government Communications Security Bureau), through the mechanism of the UK-US Security Agreement, a broad intelligence-sharing agreement encompassing a range of intelligence collection methods.
Relationships are alleged to include shared collection methods, such as the system described in the popular media as ECHELON, as well as analysed product.[65]
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