dinsdag 28 juni 2016

http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?langId=fr&catId=329&newsId=2562&furtherNews=yes... au Dialogue social...

Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Thyssen sign joint statement 'new start for social dialogue'.

On 27 June, Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue Valdis Dombrovskis together with Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Marianne Thyssen, signed on behalf of the Commission a statement on a 'new start for social dialogue'.

The statement was co-signed by the European cross-industry social partners (ETUC, Busineseurope, UEPME, CEEP) and by the Netherlands Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

The statement is part of the 'New Start for Social Dialogue' initiated by President Juncker at a high level conference on 5 March 2015 together with European, national and sectorial social partners and with the other EU institutions.

At that conference, social partners and the Commission agreed on
- the need for a more substantial involvement of the social partners in the European Semester,
- a stronger emphasis on capacity building of national social partners,
- a strengthened involvement of social partners in EU policy and law-making
- a clearer relation between social partners' agreements and the better regulation agenda.

The statement underlines the fundamental role of the European social dialogue as a significant component of EU employment and social policy making. It identifies actions to be undertaken by the signatories with the aim of further strengthening social dialogue at EU and national level.

The social partners for instance indicate that they will implement the actions agreed in their autonomous work programme 2015 – 2017 on improving capacity-building and implementation outcomes. The statement furthermore contains their commitment to continue to improve coordination between the various organisations at cross-industry and sectoral levels.

Role of the Council Presidency and the Commission

From the side of the Council Presidency, the statement refers to the recently adopted Council conclusions on "A new start for a strong social dialogue" which call on the Member States to take the necessary steps to, among other actions, closely involve the social partners in the design and implementation of relevant reforms and policies, in line with national practices.

Besides referring to the role of the Commission in line with the Treaty obligations, the statement underlines that the Commission will endeavour to involve social partners in policy- and law-making at Union level also on key initiatives included in its work programme that do not fall under the scope of Articles 153 and 154 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), but which may have significant implications for the social and employment situation.

Commissioner Marianne Thyssen said: "Strengthening social dialogue is a common endeavour between social partners and public authorities. Capacity-building activities as envisaged by the social partners can play a major contribution to reinforce their dialogue and its outcomes. Social partners have also a key role to play in addressing the key challenges our societies and labour markets are facing. This is why the Commission has been giving a prominent role to social partners in the discussions on the European pillar of social rights and the recently adopted skills agenda."

in: http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?langId=fr&catId=329&newsId=2562&furtherNews=yes

"C’est en compagnie de ses fils les princes Gabriel et Emmanuel que le roi Philippe a participé à la journée de la force aérienne belge."(Noblesse&Royautés)

Le 5 mars 2015:

A high level conference marking the new start for social dialogue took place in Brussels on 5 March in the presence of the President of the European Commission.

The Commission is committed to strengthening the dialogue with social partners.

Social dialogue at all levels is a prerequisite for the functioning of Europe’s social market economy and crucial to promote both competitiveness and fairness.

The event discussed concrete ways to strengthen social dialogue throughout the EU with EU cross-industry social partners and their national affiliates from all Member States, as well as EU sector social partner organisations.

The conference was opened by European Commission Vice-President Dombrovskis, European Parliament President Martin Schulz and on behalf of the Council Presidency Minister of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia Uldis Augulis. Introductory remarks were also delivered by leaders of EU cross-industry social partners’ organisations (Markus J. Beyrer, Director General, BUSINESSEUROPE; Hans-Joachim Reck, President, CEEP; Gunilla Almgren, President, UEAPME; Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary, ETUC).


in: http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=88&langId=en&eventsId=1028

"Rencontre avec les magistrats participant au programme de formation « Les Tribunaux internationaux et les autres juridictions pénales de La Haye » (22 juin 2016, La Haye)" (le réseau de l'ambassade au BénéluX). C'est un rappel.

Autre chose, c'est le moteur GOOGLE qui nous y ramène:

"De winkelketen is sinds 2003 eigendom van de Canadese multimiljonair Galen Weston die in 2011 ook het Nederlandse Bijenkorf-concern overnam."

in: "Het bedrijf werd opgericht door Harry Gordon Selfridge. De vestiging in Londens Oxford Street, die geopend werd in 1909, is na Harrods het grootste warenhuis in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Meer recent zijn drie nieuwe winkels geopend in Trafford, Greater Manchester (1998), in Manchester City Centrum Exchange Square (2002) en in de Plaza de Toros, in Birmingham (2003).

De winkelketen is sinds 2003 eigendom van de Canadese multimiljonair Galen Weston die in 2011 ook het Nederlandse Bijenkorf-concern overnam."

in: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selfridges

Quelle partie prenante pour ré-ouvrir tous les magasins V&D, avec des cabines téléphoniques vertes pour ceuX qui n'auraient pas de téléphone SMART ni assez d'argent pour se payer ce genre d'appareils électroniques?

Autre chose:

"In 2004 werd De Bijenkorf me moederconcern Vendex/KBB overgenomen door het Amerikaanse concern Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. en het Nederlandse AlpInvest Partners.[6]"

in: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Bijenkorf_(warenhuis)

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