Ce sont les communes et les Provinces qui demandent à cet institut de faire bien son travail: les citoyens contrôlent les instances en question. C'est quoi un citoyen demande le monsieur au téléphone?
DCMR Milieudienst Rijnmond
Parallelweg 1
3112 NA Schiedam
Telefoon: +31 (0) 10 246 80 00
Le DCMR surveille la circulation des choses dans le port de Rotterdam sans doute avec tous ses produits litigieuX, illicites ou pouvant portant à controverse. Les entreprises sont priées de ne pas lâcher des tonnes de gaz toXique dans l'atmosphère: la Shell contacte les instances qui surveillent et s'eXcuse.
Zowel de Europese Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) als de zorgplicht Wet milieubeheer (art. 1.1, lid 2) en Activiteitenbesluit (art 2.1, lid 2k) vragen aandacht voor het beperken voor de impact op het milieu van aan een bedrijf gerelateerd transport. Met de “Hernieuwde Integrale Handreiking Vervoermanagement" kan invulling worden gegeven aan de Europese verplichting voor grotere bedrijven, om een energieverbruiksprofiel op te stellen binnen het kader van de EED, waar ook vervoer onderdeel van uitmaakt. Tevens kunnen maatregelen op haalbaarheid worden afgewogen om tot vermindering van transportemissies te komen, zowel voor personenverkeer als goederenvervoer. Met een beperkte extra inspanning kan ook worden gekozen om te voldoen aan de wettelijke zorgplicht in het kader van VTH-processen.
Datum van publicatie: 7 Maart 2016
De DCMR Milieudienst Rijnmond heeft veel ervaring in internationale netwerken en internationale projecten. De DCMR werkt hierbij samen met andere overheden in Nederland, in Europa en met de Europese Unie. De DCMR ondersteunt u graag bij de uitwerking van internationaal beleid.
Frans Timmermans depuis BruXelles contrôle aussi la région. Avec les citoyens, honnêtes et intègres, qui souhaitent un peu l'aider dans sa tâche très difficile au service de la politique internationale des choses. Quelle participation innovante, faite d'éthique dans les affaires diverses, penser entre la Commission européenne et les citoyens européens dans la ligne Pays-Bas-Belgique-LuXembourg-France? Les rois et les reines suivent un peu la discussion en ligne. Chez GOOGLE: participatiesamenleving ou démocratie participative innovante en Europe?
Un lecteur y revient, GOOGLE reprend:
Head of Cabinet
Ben Smulders
Phone number
+32 (0) 2 29 55299
Management of the Cabinet
Deputy Head of Cabinet
Michelle Sutton
Phone number
+32 (0) 2 29 60239
- Deputising for the Head of Cabinet
- Coordination of the team of Commissioners on Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Justice, Consumer Affairs and Equality
- Inter-institutional relations and GRI
- Commission Work Programme and inter-institutional programming
- Internal Audit (Internal Audit Service and Audit Progress Committee)
- Transparency
Better regulation and:
-Financial stability, financial services and capital markets union
-Child protection & family affairs
Member of the Cabinet
Riccardo Maggi
Phone number
+32 (0) 2 29 63890
- Better Regulation Policy
- Sustainable development policy
Better regulation and:
- Energy Union
- Climate action and energy
- Regional policy
Member of the Cabinet
Bernd Martenczuk
Phone number
+32 (0) 2 29 65058
- Legal affairs
- Rule of Law
- Fundamental Rights, including children and youth protection
- Accession to the ECHR
- European Citizens' initiatives
- Relations with the Ombudsman
- Infringements
Better regulation and:
- Research, science and innovation
- Competition (State aid control)
- Trade
- International cooperation and development
Member of the Cabinet
Sarah Nelen
Phone number
+32 (0) 2 29 57695
- Sustainable development policy
Better regulation and:
- Energy Union
- Climate action and energy
- Environment
- Maritime affairs and fisheries
- Agriculture and rural development
- Employment, social affairs, skills and labour mobility
Member – Private secretary to the first vice president
Liesbeth Koenen
Phone number
+32 (0) 2 29 67038
- Diary management
- Political coordination strategic planning
- First Vice President's profile
- Liaison for travel and protocol logistics
Better regulation and:
- Energy and Climate Change
- Environment
- Education, culture, youth and sport
Member of the Cabinet
Liene Balta
Phone number
+32 (0) 2 29 92691
- Coordination of the team of Commissioners on Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Justice, Consumer Affairs and Protection
- Fundamental Rights, including consumers protection
- Cooperation and Verification Mechanism
- Relations with the European Parliament's LIBE Committee
- Relations with Council
Better regulation and:
- Justice, consumers protection and gender equality
- Migration and home affairs
- Digital Single Market & Justice
Member of the Cabinet and Communication Adviser
Antoine Colombani
Phone number
+32 (0) 2 29 74513
- Communication adviser
- Communication policy
Better regulation and:
- Euro and social dialogue
- Economic and financial affairs, taxation and customs
- Jobs, growth, investment and competitiveness
- Competition (anti-trust and merger control)
- Cooperation
Member of the Cabinet
Alice Richard
Phone number
+32 (0) 2 29 57714
- Speeches
- Communication policy
- Relations with the European Parliament (except LIBE)
- Relations with national parliaments
- Relations with the Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee
- Dialogue with churches, religious groups and non-faith communities (sur les dérives sectaires aussi)
Better regulation and:
- Health and food safety
- External relations
- European neighbourhood policy and enlargement negotiations
- Humanitarian aid and crisis management
Policy Assistant
Maarten Smit
Phone number
+32 (0) 2 29 51121
- Better regulation policy
- Internal Audit (Internal Audit Service and Audit Progress Committee)
Better regulation and:
- Transport and space
- Euro and social dialogue
- Economic and financial affairs, taxation and customs
- Internal market, industry, entrepreneurship and SMEs
- Budget and human resources
- Jobs, growth, investment and competitiveness
Policy Assistant
Saar Van Bueren
Phone number
+32 (0) 2 29 55623
- Political assistant
- Communication policy
Administrative assistant to the first vice-president and Assistant to Liesbeth Koenen
Ann De Lange
Phone number
+32 (0) 2 29 55443
Assistant to the Head of Cabinet
Mafalda Vasconcelos
Phone number
+32 (0) 2 29 64227
Assistant to the Deputy Head of Cabinet
Maria Helena Vieira
Phone number
+32 (0) 2 29 56258
Assistant to Riccardo Maggi and to Antoine Colombani
Milva Putzu
Phone number
+32 (0) 2 29 78513
Assistant to Bernd Martenczuk and to Liene Balta
Katerina Rybarova
Phone number
+32 (0) 2 29 71875
Assistant to Sarah Nelen and to Alice Richard
Ana Henriques
Phone number
+32 (0) 2 29 60699
Assistant to Maarten Smit and to Saar Van Bueren
Secretariat Contact
Phone number
+32 (0) 2 29 71423
Document management
Corinne Alliaume
Phone number
+32 (0) 2 29 62041
Document management
Sandra Tegazzini
Phone number
+32 (0) 2 29 55127
Pour prendre rendez-vous avec le cabinet, les Européens s'interessant auX affaires européennes peuvent contacter les différents services ou envoyer des e-mails.
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