dinsdag 28 november 2017

Un employé de Sophia-Antipolis communique, c'est un rappel...

Sophia-Antipolis communique depuis Vence, la ville des juristes... Quelles normes et standards dans les télécommunications?...


Detailed Programme:

Monday Start time: 2pm. End time: 5pm 
Tuesday Start Time: 9am. End time: 5pm
Introduction to ETSI
ETSI's links to other SDOs
Membership and Funding of ETSI
The ETSI, 3GPP and oneM2M structures
Governance and Decision Making in ETSI
Voting procedures
Standards and Regulations
Creating and maintaining ETSI standards
Application of drafting rules
Legal considerations
ETSI On-Line services
Other tools for electronic working
ETSI's role in testing and interoperability
Who should attend?
New members of ETSI
Candidate (applicant) members
New delegates in ETSI committees
Newly appointed chairmen, vice-chairman or rapporteurs in ETSI
New experts on ETSI Special Task Forces
Those who are involved in managing or tracking standardization activities
Staff from national standards bodies, or other standards bodies or fora
In fact, anyone involved in ETSI and standards-making in any way will benefit from attending.


650, Route des Lucioles
Sophia Antipolis
06560 Valbonne
Tel.:  +33 (0)4 92 94 42 00


in: http://www.etsi.org

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