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Henriette W.R. Nakad-Weststrate studied Dutch law at Leiden University. In 1994 she became a lawyer at the litigation practice of the Dutch law firm Nauta Dutilh. She continued her legal career in Banking and Finance, in an advisory role as well in the litigation practice. In 2009 she founded the first online private court in the Netherlands, eCourt ( This innovative court was the first to introduce a predetermined process for civil proceedings, during a maximum of 8 weeks. It also introduced the introduction of a new legal method for rendering enforceable judgments in private court proceedings, using a different technique from classic arbitrage. This innovation has had a profound impact on the future of the public courts in The Netherlands (as proven by the “innovation agenda” of the Ministry of Justice). Henriette is a Global Innovating Justice Award Winner (Peace Palace, The Hague 2011). She is currently finalizing her PhD in law. Her first book, The Midas Touch, written with Dr. Joe Vitale and others, was launched in the U.S. in spring 2015. Within several weeks it became an Amazon #1 Best-Seller. Henriette is married to Najib Nakad; they have 4 children.
Où en sommes-nous dans la Justice? La Cour de cassation a décidé de venir rendre visite auX partenaires honnêtes et intègres.
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