zaterdag 10 mei 2014

Dans ce domaine...

Unlike France, many European countries do not consider the issue of “sects” a national problem or a threat for the State. In fact even in Germany, a Bundestag Enquiry Commission concluded that new religious groups “all in all [present] no danger for the state and society, nor for important branches of society, such as business” and that the term “sect” should not be used as it is pejorative. The Dutch, Swedish and Swiss governments have taken up the issue and found there is no need for concerted government action and many other European countries have determined that this is simply not an issue necessitating government action.

In the Netherlands, for example, the 1996 Annual Report of the Internal Security Service concluded that “sects” are not a threat to security, the democratic order or other interests of the State.

P.s: on essaie de ne pas mélanger l'électronique auX problèmes posés par des dérives...

On peut lire:

CCMM, which sits at the Orientation Council of MIVILUDES, has adopted the same new orientation as GEMPPI, FECRIS and MIVILUDES: they combat “deviances” in the area of health55 and what they call “psycho-spiritual” practices.
This new orientation fits with its purpose as one version of its Articles of Association announced that it opposes as a matter of principle any enterprise of individuals or groups which would aim, through psychological or physiological techniques, at invading and controlling people’s minds.


The neutrality of the state and of international organizations like the United Nations, the OSCE, the Council of Europe and EU institutions towards religious and non-religious worldviews is fundamental if they want the individual freedom of thought and conscience and religious diversity to be respected, to make progress in their fight for equality and against discrimination, to safeguard social peace and cohesion, and to preserve public order and democracy.


P.s: Quel est le rôle de l'électronique dans tout cela? On rappellera que l'électronique s'invite très facilement aujourd'hui dans presque tous les foyers et dans les consciences. Surtout chez les jeunes. Qu'en pense-t-on au Vredespaleis et à la justice internationale? Qu'en pense-t-on à l'Éducation? L'âne espère qu'il est correctement lu, même par le monde médical qui devrait s'intéresser à l'impact de l'électronique sur la population. Devoir de secours. Qu'en pense-t-on chez les BIG Ones médiatiques?

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