maandag 30 maart 2015

The essential at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg... Les droits fondamentauX prioritaires...

The Essential

Witness Series: Migration, Education, Roma, Human trafficking and the sex trade

Podcast: Bringing a European dimension to youth work

Video: ‘United For Dignity’ – Young Roma and the fight against multiple discrimination

Information: Young people building Europe

News: Nils Muižnieks – My fears for Europe’s youth

Video: This intern’s life – Floriane Ettwiller

Podcast: Politics, youth alienation and the end of the inter-generational contract

Video: Youth in 2020 – The future of youth policies

Video: Focus on youth – Meet Advisory Council on Youth leader Maria Paschou

Video: Tackling Europe’s youth crisis

Podcast: Europe’s youth crisis

News: We must rescue “lost generation” of youth from financial crisis

Podcast: Alberto Cottica – I have fallen in love with the Edgeryders community

Podcast: The discontent of Roma youth

Information : Young people building Europe

Opinion: An internship experience at the Council of Europe

Opinion: To be an intern at the Council of Europe

Video: No Hate Speech campaign - The road ahead

Podcast: A teachers’ manifesto for the 21st century

Podcast: How learning lost its fun

Report: Inequality & opportunity for young people in Europe

News: Hammarberg – Schools must stop homophobic and transphobic messages

Podcast: Focus on youth – Meet trainee Sjoerd Warmerdam

Podcast: UNHCR – Unaccompanied and refugee children and the ‘separation anxiety’ of being 18

Podcast: Sabine Rohmann – How globalisation, workless communities and new technology affect teachers

Podcast: Witness (4) – Tatiana Milko – How Cyprus leads Europe in the teaching of ‘shared histories’


P.s: Comment protéger les plus vulnérables et les familles en Europe? Dans le BénéluX en particulier. On peut poser la question en direct online à monsieur Jan Kleijssen, directeur à la Société de l'information et la lutte contre la criminalité à Strasbourg. Qui fait quoi? Qui est responsable de quoi dans les ministères concernés et les Directions? Et que faire du Corporate Social Responsibility ou Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen?

Lire aussi: HJ Schoo - Republiek van vrije burgers - Het onbehagen in de democratie, Uitgever Bert Bakker.

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