woensdag 25 januari 2017

European Cultural Foundation... à Amsterdam...

The European Cultural Foundation (ECF) is an independant cultural foundation based in the Netherlands, which has been operating across Europe since 1954. We believe that culture engages and inspires people to transcend boundaries and that the connecting power of culture is essential for creating open, inclusive and democratic societies.

European Cultural Foundation
Jan van Goyenkade 5
1075 HN Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Téléphone: +31 (0)20 573 38 68
Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds geeft cultuur de kans.

http://www.lefigaro.fr/secteur/high-tech/2017/01/20/32001-20170120ARTFIG00279-la-france-lance-un-plan-strategique-pour-l-intelligence-artificielle.php - Cet article a été publié dans l'édition du Figaro du 21/01/2017 . 85% reste à lire.


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