woensdag 6 juni 2018

https://www.cybersecurityraad.nl/030_Publicaties... Zorgplicht?... C'est quoi le CARE pour la Cybersecurity à La Haye?...

Encore un peu de lecture après le journal de 20 heures?


Pieter van Vollenhoven: "security first". Schiphol Airport: "security first".

http://www.euroispa.org, European Association of Internet Services Providers:

Brussels, June 19 - On the morning of June 17, EuroISPA brought together leading EU policymakers to discuss the industry-led efforts to protect children online, in a policy breakfast co-hosted by MEPs Anna Maria Corazza Bildt (EPP) and Caterina Chinnici (S&D) in the European Parliament.


MEP Anna Maria Corazza Bildt (EPP, Sweden) said:“The safety and protection of children on the Internet is a top priority for the Intergroup on Children’s Rights & Protection. It’s important for us to continue this constructive dialogue with industry, as we, as legislators, don’t have all the solutions. We call on the industry to continue to take its shared responsibility to invest in finding innovative solutions. Lets join forces for a safer Internet for our children and their families.


EuroISPA 39 Rue Montoyer 1000 Brussels

Tel. +32 2 503 22 65

Mail. secretariat@euroispa.org


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