vrijdag 27 maart 2015

Pieter Omtzigt about Mass Surveillance...

Working document: http://www.assembly.coe.int/ASP/Doc/XrefDocDetails_E.asp?FileID=21583, le 18 mars 2015:


The committee also recognises the need for transatlantic co-operation in the fight against terrorism and other forms of organised crime. But it considers that such co-operation must be based on mutual trust based on respect for human rights and the rule of law. In order to rebuild trust, a legal and technical framework must be put in place at the national and international level which ensures the protection of human rights, especially that which secures the right to privacy. An effective tool for the enforcement of such a legal and technical framework, besides enhanced judicial and parliamentary scrutiny, is credible protection extended to whistle-blowers who expose violations.

Rapporteur : Mr Pieter OMTZIGT, Netherlands, EPP/CD

Origin - Reference to committee: Doc. 13288, Reference 4003 of 30 September 2013. 2015 - Second part-session

P.s: Ce blog sur-veille aussi un peu... les choses. Comme dans Internet of Things. On travaille bénévolement à la protection de la jeunesse et des plus vulnérables qui pourraient avoir été livrés auX réseauX avec toutes sortes de dérives. Et même des tentatives de corruption de mineurs. On pourrait même penser auX notions de débauche et dépravation des moeurs. Qu'en pense monsieur Pieter Omtzigt?

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