A new Israeli mobile app heralded as the “neXt big messaging application” is coming under fire amid allegations that it will encourage online bullying and seXual harassment... in children's bedrooms.
in: http://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/jan/22/blindspot-anonymous-messaging-app-israel-under-fire
Ils font quoi en Israël et à Davos?
http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2016/jan/20/kofi-annan-vote-make-some-noise- say-what-you-have-to-say-as consumers-and-citizens-for-a-big-change... like in paradigm shift.
Comment redistribuer les richesses le plus justement possible et bien guider la jeunesse? Quel leadership? Comment comprendre l'Europe dans son ensemble. L'Europe est un continent. Où s'arrêtent les frontières européennes? About essential questions today. On parlerait de la liberté bien comprise, de l'égalité bien comprise et... du RESPECT parfaitement compris surtout. De l'Histoire aussi. Que veut dire RESPECTER? C'est une répitition. En attendant que les internautes se sentant concernés par cette discussion veuillent bien commenter et donner de bonnes idées. Qui détiendrait le leadership moral en Europe qui est un continent? Cette blogosphère qui est une grande famille soutiendrait le leadership moral, les hommes qui sont intègres et bien inspirés. Sans oublier les femmes bien entendu. Car, la jeunesse aurait besoin de parents responsables, d'hommes intègres surtout. Pour ce qui est des femmes, cela va (presque) de soi.
P.s: Et si on arrêtait un peu de magouiller ici et là?
What are the political and economic priorities for Latin America’s leaders in the year ahead?
Speakers: Enrique Peña Nieto, Moisés Naím
Topics: Arts & Culture
Welcome to the third day of our Annual Meeting in Davos.
Coming up today:
- Special Conversation with Enrique Peña Nieto, 2.30pm CET - the MeXican President addresses Davos.
- Progress towards Parity, 4pm CET - Melinda Gates, mother of 3, about right internet gouvernance with other responsible parents and Bill, Sheryl Sandberg and Justin Trudeau on closing the gender gap.
- How can ordinary citizens help bring about the change we need and encourage our leaders to actually lead on issues from drugs to climate change?
- Extremism, relativism: Global Threat, Local Solution? 4.30pm CET - with Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq, Rowsch N. Shaways, and Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.
- The Internet of Humans Is Here, 4.45pm CET - how is it transforming the global economy?
- The Global Security Outlook, 6pm CET - with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, International Justice in The Hague, International Law, dialogues, etc.
Highlights of the day so far:
- Mario Draghi: We have the instruments for peace. The ECB President tells Davos he's determined to defend peace.
- Is Europe at a tipping point? How can Europe be the light again? And protect Youth and families without abandoning its value
Special Conversation with Enrique Peña Nieto, President of MeXico, about things and illegal products.
- "Climate change, perhaps the world’s greatest challenge, is divisive only in political circles. The scientific community reached a consensus on the need to act years before the Paris agreement and the jury on whether leaders will mobilise the political will to actually implement it is still out. The illegal drugs trade continues to threaten public health and safety and undermine governance. Yet too many countries are still unwilling to recognise the failure of the war on drugs and adopt approaches that actually work."(in: http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2016/jan/20/kofi-annan-vote-power-consumers-citizens-leaders-drugs-climate-change)
- https://www.europol.europa.eu/latest_news/eunavfor-med-operation-sophia-and-europol-determined-strengthen-bilateral-cooperation
Enrique Peña Nieto will be speaking in around 25 minutes.
While you wait, here's the article he wrote about the theme of Davos 2016: What the fourth industrial revolution means for MeXico and Europe?
About communication, right communication, good communication, positive communication with good words... like Justice.
About emancipation and machines empowering things.
Cette plateforme GOOGLE recherchant le leadership moral en Europe qui a une Histoire, une belle histoire, qui a eu des relations, qui est un très grand continent. Car aujourd'hui, on intègrerait les très grands pays en RESPECTANT ce qui doit être RESPECTE.
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