woensdag 24 september 2014

Où on en revient auX jeuX vidéo et appareils électroniques dans la société... Au chapitre controverse...

Quels organismes ont autorisé la vente de certains produits pouvant provoquer une controverse? Certains s'étant retrouvés dans des magasins de jouets.

Par eXemple: http://www.bartsmit.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/nl/bsnl/advanced-warfare?intv_id=39061&catalogId=10051&mpe_id=33651&langId=-104&evtype=CpgnClick&storeId=10151&ddkey=http:ClickInfo

Qui achète ce genre de jeuX dans un magasin de jouets? Et que disent les services concernés?


A market surveillance system - the Rapid Alert System for non-food dangerous products (“rapid exchange” also known as RAPEX) allows dangerous products to be quickly withdrawn from the market, preventing further risks to consumers.

The system allows the 31 participating countries (EU countries, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and the European Commission to exchange information on products posing a risk to health and safety of consumers and on the measures taken by these countries to do away with that risk. This section describes in details how the system works and includes links to the relevant reports.


Où on en revient au mot safety. What about security for all players?

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