dinsdag 29 november 2016

CENELEC propose de contacter l'ANEC...

ANEC Leaflets


Document title


28/10/2016 ANEC-BEUC Factsheet: How much can consumers save thanks to ecodesign PDF,736kb
25/07/2016 ANEC Leaflet: The consumer views on the proposal for a European Accessibility Act PDF,149kb
19/07/2016 ANEC Leaflet: Becoming an ANEC expert PDF,351kb
16/06/2016 ANEC-BEUC Factsheet: Simplifying the EU energy label PDF,634kb
17/03/2016 MarketWatch- One pager: - How civil society organisations can become involved to check compliance with the Ecodesign and Energy labelling PDF,144kb
15/03/2016 ANEC & CEN-CENELEC Infographic on consumer rights and standards (WCRD 2016) PDF,761kb
03/12/2015 TIE-ANEC leaflet: Safety First - Top Tips to Enjoy Toys PDF,1037kb
02/12/2015 ANEC leaflet: Key Facts on European cross-border complaints PDF,624kb
24/11/2015 ANEC leaflet: Standards in 60 seconds PDF,345kb
23/11/2015 ANEC leaflet: 'Citizens' requirements for smart cities: what standards can do!' PDF,343kb
23/11/2015 ANEC leaflet: 'Citizens' requirements for smart cities: what standards can do! '(printable version) PDF,428kb
11/09/2015 ANEC leaflet: ANEC in 60 seconds PDF,352kb
31/03/2015 ANEC leafet 'Enhanced Child Restraint Systems (R129)' PDF,231kb
09/07/2014 ANEC Leaflet: Hazardous chemicals in products. The need for enhanced EU regulations PDF,270kb
13/02/2014 ANEC leaflet: Key Facts on European cross-border complaints PDF,651kb
17/01/2014 ANEC Brochure: What we do for you PDF,4450kb
07/10/2013 ANEC-CSI leaflet on Carbon Monoxide, the silent killer PDF,709kb
03/09/2013 ANEC Strategy 2014-2020 booklet PDF,756kb
05/04/2013 ANEC/BEUC Fact sheet on water-using equipment PDF,268kb
13/03/2013 ANEC Leaflet on the Draft Web Accessibility Directive PDF,460kb
15/02/2013 ANEC leaflet on accommodation safety services PDF,434kb
28/01/2013 ANEC leaflet on CE Marking PDF,205kb
04/06/2012 ANEC/BEUC Brochure: Nano - Very small and everywhere PDF,6836kb
23/08/2011 ANEC Web Accessibility Leaflet PDF,371kb
15/12/2010 ANEC leaflet on cords on window blinds PDF,176kb
25/10/2010 Joint ANEC/BEUC leaflet: How much nano do we buy? PDF,501kb
12/08/2010 ANEC leaflet: Setting the agenda for the Digital Consumer PDF,72kb
15/01/2010 Toy Safety Tips (German) PDF,995kb
15/01/2010 Toy Safety Tips (French) PDF,1026kb
15/01/2010 Toy Safety Tips PDF,1007kb
13/01/2010 ANEC leaflet on the safety of personal music players (PMP) PDF,113kb
02/11/2009 ANEC/BEUC leaflet on nanotechnology and nanomaterials PDF,584kb
02/11/2009 ANEC/BEUC leaflet on nanotechnology and nanomaterials (French) PDF,422kb
14/04/2008 ANEC leaflet: Are household appliances really safe for all consumers (German) PDF,75kb
14/04/2008 ANEC leaflet: Are household appliances really safe for all consumers (Spanish) PDF,74kb
14/04/2008 ANEC leaflet: Are household appliances really safe for all consumers (French) PDF,74kb
14/04/2008 ANEC leaflet: Are household appliances really safe for all consumers PDF,100kb
15/01/2008 ANEC leaflet: Rear facing- Turn away from danger PDF,159kb
05/04/2006 ANEC leaflet: A decade of consumer involvement in standardisation PDF,153kb

in: http://www.anec.eu/anec.asp?p=publications&ref=03-01.07-01

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