zondag 5 januari 2014

Christopher Lasch (1932-1994)...



Œuvres en anglais

The American Liberals and the Russian Revolution (1962)
The New Radicalism in America 1889-1963: The Intellectual As a Social Type (1965)
The Agony of the American Left (1969)
The World of Nations (1973)
Haven in a Heartless World: The Family Besieged (1977)
The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations (1979)
The Minimal Self: Psychic Survival in Troubled Times (1984)
The True and Only Heaven: Progress and Its Critics (1991)
The Revolt of the Elites: And the Betrayal of Democracy (1994)
Women and the Common Life: Love, Marriage, and Feminism (1997)
Plain Style: A Guide to Written English (2002)

Œuvres traduites en français

La Culture du narcissisme – La vie américaine à un âge de déclin des espérances (The Culture of narcissism – American Life in An Age of Diminishing Expectations, 1979), Climats, 2000, (ISBN 2-84158139).
Le moi assiégé (The Minimal Self, 1984), Climats, 2008.
Le Seul et Vrai Paradis (The True and Only Paradise, 1991), Champs/Flammarion, 200210.
La Révolte des élites et la trahison de la démocratie (The revolt of elites and the betrayal of democracy, 1994), Climats, 1999.
Les Femmes et la vie ordinaire (Women and the Common Life. Love, Marriage, and Feminism, 1997), Climats, 2006.
Culture de masse ou culture populaire ? (traduction de l'article « Mass Culture Reconsidered », paru in democracy, 1, octobre 1981, p. 7-22), Climats, 2001.
Un refuge dans ce monde impitoyable (Haven in a Heartless World: The Family Besieged, 1977), Bourin Éditeur, 2012.
La culture de l'égoïsme" (entretiens avec Castoriadis), Climats 2012

Further reading

Anderson, Kenneth. "Heartless World Revisited: Christopher Lasch's Parting Polemic Against the New Class," The Good Society, Vol. 6, No. 1, Winter 1996.
Bacevich, Andrew J. "Family Man: Christopher Lasch and the Populist Imperative," World Affairs, May/June 2010.
Bartee, Seth J. "Christopher Lasch, Conservative?," The University Bookman, Spring 2012.
Beer. Jeremy. "On Christopher Lasch," Modern Age, Fall 2005, Vol. 47 Issue 4, pp. 330–343
Beer. Jeremy. "The Radical Lasch," The American Conservative, March 27, 2007.
Birnbaum, Norman. "Gratitude and Forbearance: On Christopher Lasch," The Nation, October 3, 2011.
Bratt, James D. "The Legacy of Christopher Lasch," Books & Culture, 2012.
Brown, David S. "Christopher Lasch, Populist Prophet," The American Conservative, August 12, 2010.
Deneen, Patrick J. "Christopher Lasch and the Limits of Hope," First Things, December 2004.
Elshtain, Jean Bethke. "The Life and Work of Christopher Lasch: An American Story," Salmagundi, No. 106/107, Spring - Summer 1995.
Fisher, Berenice M. "The Wise Old Men and the New Women: Christopher Lasch Besieged," History of Education Quarterly, Vol. 19, No. 1, Women's Influence on Education, Spring, 1979.
Flores, Juan. "Reinstating Popular Culture: Responses to Christopher Lasch," Social Text, No. 12, Autumn, 1985.
Hartman, Andrew. "Christopher Lasch: Critic of Liberalism, Historian of its Discontents," Rethinking History, Dec 2009, Vol. 13 Issue 4, pp. 499–519
Kimball, Roger. "The Disaffected Populist: Christopher Lasch on Progress," The New Criterion, March 1991.
Kimball, Roger. "Christopher Lasch vs. the Elites," The New Criterion, April 1995.
Mattson, Kevin. "The Historian As a Social Critic: Christopher Lasch and the Uses of History," History Teacher, May 2003, Vol. 36 Issue 3, pp. 375–96
Mattson, Kevin. "Christopher Lasch and the Possibilities of Chastened Liberalism," Polity, Vol. 36, No. 3, Apr., 2004.
Miller, Eric. Hope in a Scattering Time: A Life of Christopher Lasch, William B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2010.
Nieli, Russell. "Social Conservatives of the Left: James Lincoln Collier, Christopher Lasch, and Daniel Bell," The Political Science Reviewer, Vol. XXII, 1993.
Parsons, Adam. "Christopher Lasch, Radical Orthodoxy & the Modern Collapse of the Self," New Oxford Review, November 2008.
Rosen, Christine. "The Overpraised American: Christopher Lasch's The Culture of Narcissism revisited," Policy Review, Nº. 133, October 1, 2005.
Shapiro, Herbert. "Lasch on Radicalism: The Problem of Lincoln Steffens," The Pacific Northwest Quarterly, Vol. 60, No. 1, Jan., 1969.
Scialabba, George. "'No, in thunder!': Christopher Lasch and the Spirit of the Age," Agni, No. 34, 1991.
Seaton, James. "The Gift of Christopher Lasch," First Things, Vol. XLV, August/September 1994.
Siegel, Fred. "The Agony of Christopher Lasch," Reviews in American History, Vol. 8, No. 3, Sep., 1980.
Westbrook, Robert B. "Christopher Lasch, The New Radicalism, and the Vocation of Intellectuals," Reviews in American History, Volume 23, Number 1, March 1995.


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