woensdag 25 juli 2018

Cybersecurity & important questions...


“There are rules to make our cars safe. There are rules to make our food safe. But there are no rules to make connected products safe and secure. It is very disappointing that the EU institutions still seem to underestimate the dimension of the problem and are unwilling to address it by mandating security by design and default.”


in: www.beuc.eu/publications/european-parliament-fails-ensure-it-security-connected-consumer-products/html

https://www.ad.nl/economie/hoe-bart-smit-na-50-jaar-verdween-uit-volendam. Dans certaines communes, Bart SMIT est toujours là… face à Intertoys. Qui a fait quoi dans le jouet électronique? Le MARKET s'eXprimerait à l'arbitrage international du Peace Palace avec… le groupe Altieri. Qui pour réouvrir les magasins V&D?

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