zondag 18 december 2016


Nederland is van 13 tot en met 24 november 2000 gastland van de VN-conferentie over klimaatverandering...

Autre chose: De onbekende commissaris... Diversiteit binnen raden van commissarissen in Nederland en Zweden, met een voorwoord van Antony Burgmans, voorzitter van Unilevers.

A la page 13-14, Swedisch Corporate Governance in an International ConteXt


Under Swedish law, the company's auditors are also appointed by the shareholders's meeting. The auditors's task is not only to eXamine the company's annual accounts and accounting practices, but also to review the management of the company by the board of directors and the managing director. Thus one important aim of the auditors is to satisfy the owners'requirements to control the board of directors and the managing director. Today the auditors are also considered to have the aim of protecting the interests of other stakeholders in the company, such as employees, creditors and CAPITAL MARKET ACTORS.


Qui fait quoi dans l'économie de MARCHé?

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