donderdag 25 januari 2018

About Europe and International Justice... With The Hague Institute of Global Justice...

The State of the Union 2018 Conference is organised in cooperation with the European Parliament and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You are invited to join the public closing session with keynote speech by Klaus Welle, Secretary-General of the European Parliament, Monika Sie Dhian Ho (general director the Clingendael Institute) and Thijs van der Plas (DG European Cooperation Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
This session will take place from 15.30 till 17.00 pm. If you wish to attend, please come.



Le rôle du Canada et des missions de PaiX, avec le devoir de protection des plus faibles, R2P, Right to Protect, selon les grandes notions onusiennes, y seront discutés avec les générauX canadiens et autres: qui a fait quoi?

Ils font quoi au Canada?

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