VN: International and European Law... Centre for Conflict and Security Law... in The Hague. Pieter Omtzigt (CDA) invite les penseurs en relations internationales à reprendre l'historiographie contemporaine à La Haye, à l'arbitrage: qui a fait quoi? En revenant auX années 90 et auX années 2000.
The State of the Union: Prospects for 2018 - Les Européens participant un peu plus aujourd'hui.
Reflecting on Europe’s Future
This all-day Conference is organised in cooperation with the European Parliament and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The conference is on personal invitation. You can send an invitation request to
2017 was the year of reflection papers, speeches and elections. Recent initiatives by key European politicians and officials underline that the EU needs to change. The EU must find answers to the challenges that became apparent during the eurocrisis and to the threats that result from changes in the EU’s geopolitical environment. The conference brings together EU and national officials, opinion leaders and EU experts to reflect on the future of the European Union, focussing on six topics:
The Future of European Defence Cooperation
Managing Globalisation: EU Trade Policy in the Trump era
Social Europe in the context of deepening European Integration
The European Monetary Fund: Financial Risks and Political Consequences
Migration: From Crisis to Strategy?
The Sate of the Union: Prospects for 2018 - Europeans are more participating... GOOGLE also.
Global programme
09.00 - 09.30 Registration
09.30 - 10.00 Opening by Monika Sie Dhian Ho, general director Clingendael Institute
10.15 - 11.45 Morning Breakout Sessions (European Defence Cooperation; Globalisation and EU Trade)
12.00 - 13.30 Seated lunch with keynote speech by Frank Vandenbroucke, Professor at the University of Amsterdam
13.30 - 15.00 Afternoon Breakout Sessions (European Monetary Fund; EU Migration Policies)
To ensure an open debate, these discussions will take place under Chatham House Rule.
15.30 - 17.00 Plenary session with keynote speech by Klaus Welle, Secretary-General of the European Parliament
The conference is on personal invitation, GOOGLE participates. Royal Shell too. The King as well. Même AXA et l'Institut Français.
Clingendael Institute
Clingendael 7
2597 VH The Hague
The Netherlands
Postal address
P.O. Box 93080
2509 AB The Hague
The Netherlands
Contact us
Tel.: (+31)70-324 53 84
Adriaan Schout has (co-)authored numerous books and international articles. He won the UACES price for "Best Book in European Studies 2007" for The coordination of the European Union: Exploring the capacities of networked governance (Oxford University Press).
Pieter Omtzigt du CDA, Frans Timmermans du PvdA, Mark Rutte du VVD, l'ambassadrice en Russie, Renée Jones-Bos et bien d'autres lecteurs ont certainement dû lire cet ouvrage.
Autres chapitres importants:
- Energiemarkt
Les citoyens suivant un peu mieuX les discussions en 2018... Même le CDA en est tout surpris: quelle famille pour le CDA? quelle éthique? quels dossiers essnetiels? Jan Peter Balkenende appelle André Rouvoet (Centre Jeugd&Gezin et des Assureurs), Wouter Bos, les papas ont droit à la parole, et bien d'autres politiques: qui fait quoi dans les questions essentielles liées à la bonne gouvernance européenne? Même KLM-Air-France se pose la question avec les autres compagnies.
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