29th November 2013, Amsterdam
Is Europe in a crisis of values? Does the continuous erosion of trust in our democratic infrastructure require that we define new values or do we have to ask ourselves if we do not practice the values we preach worldwide? These fundamental questions are very often avoided in the debate on Europe but the discussion cannot be delayed any more.
What concrete developments and changes would you propose for the political agenda of the EU relating to culture, values, democracy, and citizenship?
What questions would you ask the political candidates in the run up to the 2014 elections?
The European House for Culture (EHfC) and its partners are organizing the Brussels Conversations 2013, bringing together innovative and influential individuals to discuss The Decisive Deal, a process to define culture’s contribution to Europe in the context of the European elections taking place 22-25 May 2014.
The event will take place in Brussels on Saturday 14 December from 9:30-15:00. The Brussels Conversations 2013 will be an invitation-only roundtable discussion bringing together 50 inspiring citizens, hosted by De Munt/La Monnaie in Brussels.
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