vrijdag 20 december 2013

European Cultural -2-...

Narratives for Europe (2009-2012)...

In an ever-changing European landscape, ECF has continued to adapt its activities and create new ones in order to connect the many different cultures of wider Europe and its neighbours. The European Neighbourhood programme was set up as an umbrella to bring together these activities, including art management training, community development workshops and the exchange programme Tandem.

The growing accessibility of social media tools has made it easier for ECT to broaden the reach of our activities and programmes, and has contributed to the success of initiatives like the Doc Next Network, which uses film and video to empower young media-makers who may be likely to be excluded from the mainstream public discourse.

On a policy level, Europe seems to be moving towards closer forms of cooperation. [...]

Europe is in need of a new perspective, a new "narrative" to replace the one on which it was built (?). A Europe of peace and prosperity no longer strikes a chord (?). ECF's 2009-2012 them, Narratives for Europe, offered a platform to discuss these new perspectives, as did Imagining Europe (October 2012), a four-day event reflecting on Europe's future.

European Cultural Foundation
Jan van Goyenkade 5
1075 HN Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Telephone: +31 (0)20 573 38 68

Rencontre à La Haye...

Le contact a été pris...

P.s: Mais sommes-nous d'accord avec cette phrase: "A Europe of peace and prosperity no longer strikes a chord"?... J'ai compris que la Foundation se trouve dans le même batiment que la Stichting Erasmusprijs. Encore mieux, puisqu'on cherche ici à promouvoir les grands humanistes européens.

1959 - Robert Schuman, Frans grondlegger van de Europese Gemeenschap voor Kolen en Staal
1960 - Marc Chagall, Frans-Wit-Russisch kunstschilder
1962 - Romano Guardini, Duits theoloog en filosoof
1967 - Jan Tinbergen, Nederlands econoom en natuurkundige
1968 - Henry Moore, Brits beeldhouwer
1969 - Gabriel Marcel, Frans filosoof, muziekcriticus en toneelschrijver
1977 - Jean Monnet, Frans grondlegger van de Europese Economische Gemeenschap
1997 - Jacques Delors, Frans voorzitter van de Europese Unie
2013 - Jürgen Habermas, Duits filosoof en socioloog


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