maandag 16 december 2013

European Cultural Foundation...

The European Cultural Foundation (ECF) is an independent cultural foundation based in the Netherlands which has been operating across Europe since 1954. We believe that culture engages and inspires people to transcend boundaries and that the connecting power of culture is essential for creating open, inclusive and democratic societies.

European Cultural Foundation
Jan van Goyenkade 5
1075 HN Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Telephone: +31 (o)20 573 38 68

About New Pact for Europe

Efforts to overcome the current EU crisis are being hampered by profound disagreements over the future course of reforms. The period leading up to the European elections and the change in EU leadership in 2014 provides an opportune occasion to reflect on these challenges and the reform priorities for the next five years. The goal of the New Pact for Europe project is to develop these reform proposals and generate new thinking and ideas about how to address the many challenges that Europe is facing, and help to close the widening gap between and within EU member states over Europe’s future.


The debate will be fuelled by this report, which analyses the 'state of the Union' and describes the key challenges Europe faces and presents five potential strategic options for the future of European integration. The report has been drawn up by a ‘Reflection Group’ of eminent EU experts from different member states.

The report will be discussed between December 2013 and April 2014 by citizens, politicians, policymakers and key stakeholders in around 50 events in many EU Member States, in order to generate ideas for future action. The Reflection Group will then draw on the outcome of these debates to draft a proposal for a New Pact for Europe, including concrete recommendations, with additional input from an Advisory Group to further enrich their work.

Upcoming events

On Monday 3 February 2014, we will organise a ‘closed door policy makers debate’ in The Hague and a public stakeholders meeting on Thursday 10 April in Amsterdam. More information on both debates will soon be published on this website.

For more information about the New Pact for Europe, visit the project website and the Facebook page.

The New Pact for Europe project was initiated by the King Baudouin Foundation (Belgium) and the Bertelsmann Stiftung (Germany) and is supported by a large consortium of foundations, think tanks and civil society organisations, including: Allianz Kulturstiftung, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, European Cultural Foundation, European Policy Centre, "La Caixa" Foundation, Network of European Foundations, Open Estonia Foundation, Open Society Initiative for Europe, Stiftung Mercator and Svenska Kultur Fonden.

En avant pour la ou les rencontres conviviales qui seront organisées à La Haye en 2014... A suivre... Pour l'Europe du bon sens, de l'intérêt général et des valeurs... Une Europe ouverte aux autres, respectueuse. Toujours le mot RESPECT.

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