- Onderzoek op strategische onderwerpen.
- Benoeming voor 5 jaar met kans op een aanstelling voor onbepaalde tijd.
- Een start-up budget van 10.000 Euro.
- Deelname aan het Tracks mentoring programma.
- Onderzoeksondersteuning bij zwangerschap.
- Lees meer over de voordelen.
in: Le genre dans les réseauX, les machines aussi, https://www.tilburguniversity.edu/nl/over/organisatie-tilburg-university/werken-bij/gender-policy/ped/
Tilburg law School is looking to recruit a Full Professor in Technology Law and Human Rights (0,8-1,0 fte)
Phillip Eijlander Diversity Program
Tilburg University is committed to diversity as a self-evident value within its organization. Diversity, inclusion, and equality are important key priorities of the university’s HR policy. Under the Philip Eijlander Diversity Program, Tilburg University offers talented women with a passion for teaching and research a wonderful opportunity to design research and courses on important themes at the various Schools. Appointees will receive a start-up grant for their research and will participate in a networking and coaching program.
Read more about the Philip Eijlander Diversity Program: http://www.tilburguniversity.edu/PED
Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society (TILT)
The Chair in Information Technology Law and Human Rights will organisationally belong to the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society (TILT). With approximately 30 staff members TILT is a multidisciplinary center at Tilburg University specializing in research and education in the field of technology regulation. TILT is one of the largest and most innovative European research centers in technology regulation. It is an independent management unit within Tilburg Law School, a research-led, specialized School that is rated among the best in Europe.
The Chair in Technology Law and Human Rights will organisationally belong to the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT). With approximately 30 staff members TILT is a multidisciplinary center at Tilburg University specializing in research and education in the field of technology regulation. TILT is one of the largest and most innovative European research centers in technology regulation. It is an independent management unit within Tilburg Law School, a research-led, specialized university that is rated among the best in Europe.
Mass data collection and surveillance are expanding the capabilities of governments and industry to monitor the activities of citizens and customers, stretching the limits of privacy and data protection. Big data broadens the horizon of computational capabilities further, enabling profiling-based decision-making on citizens and customers. Developments in robotics, neuro-technologies and the Internet of Things are further expanding possibilities for massive data processing. Thus, technologies are having a profound impact on human rights, such as the rights to privacy and data protection, freedom of expression, non-discrimination, freedom of thought, and due process. Legislators at the various levels struggle with finding a balance between the different interests. Human rights are safeguarded in the EU Charter of fundamental rights and freedoms, the European Convention on Human Rights and the constitutions of European Member States. The jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union is interpreting and expanding the meaning and scope of human rights in order to accommodate for technological developments.
There is an urgent need for comprehensive legal research and education on human rights that are challenged by, or reshaped through, technological developments. In order to confront the promises and perils that technological innovations bring, rights and legal principles that are fundamental to the European legal tradition, need to be explored.
Job description
The broad mission of the candidate for the Full Professorship position ‘Technology Law and Human Rights’ will be to identify and evaluate major challenges to human rights posed by technologies, and to help shape pathways for developing a robust legal framework that is able to protect human rights, while fostering innovation and technological development. Within this broad mission, a particular challenge to be addressed, in line with Tilburg’s focal themes of data science and public governance, shall be the regulation of (state) surveillance. Other themes within the broad mission can be taken up depending on the candidate’s interests and track record.
Issues the candidate can engage in include:
The regulation of (state) surveillance in light of human rights.
The challenges of big data to human rights.
The role of human rights in shaping technology.
The possibilities of technology to protect fundamental rights.
Balancing fundamental rights in light of technological innovation.
We are looking for a candidate with a solid legal background and research interests and experience in the area of technologies and human rights. Given the key role of data processing in many technological developments, proven experience in data protection law is required. The successful candidate must have a good insight into technological developments and have demonstrated experience in working in interdisciplinary environments. The successful candidate is expected to research, teach, and supervise graduate and PhD students in the field of Technology Law and Human Rights. She is expected to develop new ideas in research and education, and acquire funding (independently or jointly with other colleagues) for future research. Research will be conceptual and fundamental, as well as applied in the form of studies commissioned by third parties (government, EU, and private parties).
The candidate
The successful candidate:
has a PhD in Law;
is a recognised expert in Europe and beyond in the area of technology law and human rights, demonstrated by a relevant PhD dissertation and publications;
has experience with working in an interdisciplinary environment, demonstrated by the candidate’s education or past performance in teaching, research or publications;
participates in relevant research networks and has contacts with national and international research groups;
is familiar with different jurisdictions/legal systems, and preferably has experience with working in different countries;
has demonstrated competence to initiate new research and to attract second and third stream funding; experience in applying for and participating in European (FP6/FP7/H2020) research projects will be considered an advantage;
has didactic experience and a constructive attitude for improving the quality of education;
has proven qualities in supporting and supervising students, junior researchers and PhD students;
has the competence to initiate contacts and to engage in debates and activities with societal actors;
has shown the ability to work in teams and to perform organisational and administrative tasks;
is willing and capable to undertake administrative, organisational and management tasks as member of the Department and the School;
has a ‘BKO qualification’ or is willing to acquire one within one or two years;
has perfect command of English. Knowledge of Dutch is considered an asset with a view to possible participation in national projects.
is willing to take an active role as role-model or diversity agent in the university (e.g. by delivering a public lecture during the course of their tenure track; by making their research available for a larger audience; by mentoring other junior women faculty; by incorporating diversity as an integral part in teaching and/or research).
Conditions of Employment
Tilburg University is rated among the top of Dutch employers and has excellent terms of employment. The selected candidate will be assigned the position of Full Professor. Selected candidates will be ranked in the Dutch university employment system (UFO Hoogleraar 2). Depending on the candidates’ experience, the starting gross salary will vary between € 5.219,- and € 7.599 ,- per month (for a full-time Professorship appointment) based on scale HGL 2 of the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) Dutch Universities. Researchers from outside the Netherlands or long-term Dutch expats may qualify for a tax-free allowance equal to 30% of their taxable salary. The university will apply for such an allowance on their behalf.
Information and application
The application must include:
a curriculum vitae;
a motivation letter;
a list of publications, and a copy of the three best or most relevant publications of the applicant;
a statement of current and future research plans of no more than 3,000 words;
a record of projects successfully applied for by the candidate;
the names and addresses of three referees. Referees will be contacted for shortlisted candidates only.
Candidates are requested to submit their application before Monday, June 6, 2016.
Please apply online by following this link: http://www.tilburguniversity.edu/about-tilburg-university/working-at/wp/
Specific information about the vacancy can be obtained from prof.dr. Ronald Leenes, r.e.leenes@uvt.nl, +31134663839).
Tilburg Law School
Tilburg Law School (TLS) is a modern and specialized university. With a broad variety of international programmes and innovating research, the Tilburg Law School stands for high quality. Research at the Tilburg Law School is conducted in an organisation that fosters diversity. The Tilburg Graduate Law School is responsible for the training and guidance of its Research Master students and of the Faculty’s PhD researchers. With its open and inspiring atmosphere, this school is a congenial working environment.
Tilburg Law School
Tilburg University hanteert de NVP-sollicitatiecode van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Personeelsmanagement & Organisatieontwikkeling.
in: https://career012.successfactors.eu/career?career_ns=job_listing&company=S003974031P&navBarLevel=JOB_SEARCH&rcm_site_locale=nl_NL&career_job_req_id=5121&selected_lang=nl_NL&jobAlertController_jobAlertId=&jobAlertController_jobAlertName=&_s.crb=tM5AzleCz4avHAPiQJO1WSO3EZA%3d
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