Senior Management
- Roberto VIOLA
Tel:+32-2-29 60240
Deputy Director-General
- Gail KENT (acting)
Tel: +32-2-29 91945
Deputy Director-General
- Claire BURY
Tel: +32-2-29 60499
We coordinate the adaptation of EU copyright rules to the realities of the Digital Single Market in the light of the digital revolution, new consumer behaviours and Europe's cultural diversity.
Media & Data (Directorate G)
Director: G. Abbamonte Tel: +352-4301 35160
. Converging Media & Content (Unit G.1)
Head of Unit: L. Boix Alonso Tel: +32-2-29 90009 (qui a travaillé avec madame Neelie Kroes)
We ensure that the current regulatory environment of the audio-visual media services sector is respected, while preparing a strategy for addressing future developments (such as Connected TV), including the regulatory, research & other challenges related to this process of convergence. We promote respect for media pluralism and media freedom, while helping to facilitate the online cross-border distribution of digital content and consumer access to it.
. Creativity (Unit G.2)
Head of Unit: J. Hernández-Ros Tel: +352-4301 34533
The creative industries have an important growth potential as the Internet develops. We provide research funding to areas such as interfaces, simulation and visualisation, games engines, immersive experiences and support the creative industries in their innovation process.
. Data Value Chain (Unit G.3)
Head of Unit: M. Nagy-Rothengass Tel: +352-4301 31680
Our job is to support the "Big data", which becoms leading to innovations in technology, development of new tools and new skills.
. Inclusion, Skills & Youth (Unit G.4)
Head of Unit: M. Marsella (acting) Tel: +352-4301 32750
We work to ensure that citizens, especially young people and those at risk of exclusion, are best able to benefit from the Internet and have the necessary skills to do so.
. Administration & Finance (Unit G.5)
Head of Unit: G. Kalbe Tel: +352-4301 32866
In order to demonstrate that the EU manages soundly and efficiently the budget entrusted to it, we will maintain a high level of quality of service in the execution of our financing decisions, including ensuring timely negotiations; short times to contract, to amendment and to payment; proper handling and compliance of legal, financial and audit procedural aspects.
. Media Support Programmes (Unit G.6)
Head of Unit: L. Recalde Langarica Tel: +32-2-29 91281
We work to ensure the MEDIA Sub-programme of Creative Europe provides funding for the development, promotion and distribution of European works within Europe and beyond.
. Creative Europe: MEDIA (Mirror-Unit REA.B2)
Head of Unit: H. Trettenbrein Tel: +32-2-29 84955
Digital Society, Trust & Security (Directorate H)
Director: P. Timmers Tel: +32-2-29 90245
. Health & Well-Being (Unit H.1)
Head of Unit: P. Zilgalvis Tel: +32-2-29 50935
With a brief to coordinate research for health and wellbeing of citizens, including integrated care: short and mid-term, we will target the personalised, preventive healthcare of the future.
. Digital Social Platforms (Unit H.2)
Head of Unit: I. Iakovidis (acting) Tel: +32-2-29 52329
We seek to deploy ICT more widely in areas that will allow people to age well.
. Public Services (Unit H.3)
Head of Unit: M. Rohen Tel: +32-2-29 63674
We lead the development and deployment of EU Digital Public Services, focussing on cross-border excellence in eGovernment, and based on the eGovernment Action Plan 2011-2015.
. Trust & Security (Unit H.4)
Head of Unit: J. Boratynski Tel: +32-2-29 69452
We develop policy, research and innovation solutions and carry out activities enhancing the security of Internet networks and services and the protection of citizens' on-line privacy and security.
. Smart Cities & Sustainability (Unit H.5)
Head of Unit: C. Maloney Tel: +32-2-29 69082
ICT has the potential to play a key role in meeting the EU's climate and energy targets. We develop the policy framework to ensure that digital technologies improve sustainability in general including energy security and resource utilisation. We also aim to accelerate the deployment of integrated energy, transport and ICT solutions at local level, help better manage flows of goods and people, and allow an EU-wide shift to clean sources of energy, with improved efficiency in generation, transmission and distribution.
. Administration & Finance (Unit H.6)
C'est au chapitre mieuX connaître l'Europe avec les Européens et les citoyens qui écrivent en ligne. Ce qui est tout à fait normal en 2016. L'Internet n'est pas fait que pour distraire les jeunes et les mineurs.
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