The Institute of International and European Affairs communiquait en 2010:
About the topic, le 19 janvier 2010:
Lord Puttnam addressed a breakfast meeting of the IIEA's Digital Future Group on the topic of Education in the Digital Society. Introducing his keynote with a short clip from his latest film, We are the peoplewe are waiting for, the Oscar-winning film producer highlighted the crucial role of the education system in preparing young people of today for the emerging Digital society of tomorrow. He emphasized the need for the education system to embrace technology and foster digital literacy at an early stage to create the neXt generation of informed and responsible digital participants. He called on Gouvernment to prioritise education spending and provide the resources necessary to meet this challenge. As a residen of County Cork and chairperson of the Irish Gouvernment's International Content Services Centre Taskforce, Lord Puttnam takes a keen interest in developments in Ireland and he concluded his speech wieht his observations on the Irish education system.
Lord Puttnam was appointed President of UNICEF UK in July 2002, and played a key role in promoting UNICEF's advocacy, awareness and fundraising objectives. He retired from this post in July 2009. He worked then as a advisor for the EU and some of its commissioners.
The European Commission is the eXecutive of the European Union and promotes citizen's general interest.
Who can visit?
Groups – of 15 or more people aged 15 and over (e.g. schoolchildren, students, professional groups and social partners or any other interest group).
The Commission office in Luxembourg also organises information visits français (fr) .
What types of visit are available?
There are 3 basic types of visit:
General Information Visits
Aimed at people with little or no previous knowledge of the EU including high school groups.
About the role of the European Commission as the political executive of the EU (in the language of the group where possible) followed by a question and answer session.
Lasts 90 minutes.
Specific Information Visits
Aimed at undergraduate students and specific interest groups.
About the role of the European Commission as the political executive of the EU followed by a presentation on a specific EU policy of direct interest to the group.
Tailored Information Visits
Aimed at journalists, national and local government representatives, business associations, professional groups from the public and private sector, trade unions, academics including post graduate and research students.
Specially tailored to the interests of the group. Can include an introduction on the role of the European Commission as the political executive of the EU followed by up to 4 presentations on specific EU policies given by Commission officials dealing with the issues involved.
Lasts either half a day or one full day.
How to apply?
Given the large number of applications received, we usually need at least 10 weeks' notice to arrange for a visit. In order to fill in the online application form, you must first create an ECAS account pdf - 120 KB [120 KB] български (bg)čeština (cs)dansk (da)Deutsch (de)eesti keel (et)ελληνικά (el)español (es)français (fr)hrvatski (hr)italiano (it)latviešu valoda (lv)lietuvių kalba (lt)magyar (hu)Malti (mt)Nederlands (nl)polski (pl)português (pt)română (ro)slovenčina (sk)slovenščina (sl)suomi (fi)svenska (sv).
Where will the visit take place?
In the European Commission Visitors' Centre in Brussels – rue de la Loi 170, 1040 Brussels (entrance to the Visitors' Centre at Rue du Taciturne).
For security reasons we don't organise guided tours of Commission buildings.
P.s: Quand les citoyens européens s'intéressent à la Commission européenne, ce qui est tout à fait normal en 2016, la Commission européenne serait prête à les rencontrer. Ce qui est tout à fait démocratique et dans l'ordre des valeurs européennes. L'Union européenne doit être un eXemple pour les autres pays à l'échelle planetaire: un eXemple de démocratie parfaitement réussie. "Europa is een ongekend successverhaal... with the people" (Ben Bot)
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