woensdag 28 maart 2018

La télévision francophone en parle: stop auX eXotiques envahissants à Amsterdam... Il s'agit des perruches de La Fontaine...

Perruches et perroquets se rencontrent et papotent: SeydouX produit les films et Henri filme. Les Suisses aussi... depuis Mai 68.

Avec un rappel pour l'industrie dite créative et audiovisuelle, c'est le Conseil de l'Europe qui retransmet le lien:

Resolution 1815 (2011)

The potential dangers of electromagnetic fields and their effect on the environment

1. The Parliamentary Assembly has repeatedly stressed the importance of states’commitment to preserving the environment and environmental health, as set out in many charters, conventions, declarations and protocols since the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment and the Stockholm Declaration (Stockholm, 1972). The Assembly refers to its past work in this field, namely Recommendation 1863 (2009) on environment and health: better prevention of environment-related health hazards, Recommendation 1947 (2010) on noise and light pollution, and more generally, Recommendation 1885 (2009) on drafting an additional protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights concerning the right to a healthy environment and Recommendation 1430 (1999) on access to information, public participation in environmental decision-making and access to justice – implementation of the Ǻrhus Convention.




C'est quoi un SMARTphone? Et une puce électronique?

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