Bibi van den Berg que cette plateforme GOOGLE eut l'occasion de rencontrer... en REAL:
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Berg B. van den (2015), Mind the air gap: Preventing privacy issues in robotics. In: Gutwirth S., Leenes R., De Hert P. (red.) Data Protection on the Move: Current Developments in ICT and Privacy/Data Protection. Law, governance and technology series. Deventer: Springer.
Berg J. van den, Zoggel J. van, Snels M., Leeuwen M. van, Boeke S., Koppen L. van, Lubbe J. van der, Berg B. van den & Bos T. de (2014), On (the emergence of) cyber security science and its challenges for cyber security education. Tallin: NATO. 1-10.
congresbijdrage (refereed)
Berg B. van den (2014), Colouring inside the lines: Using technology to regulate children’s behaviour online. In: Hof S. van der, Berg B. van den, Schermer B. (red.) Minding minors wandering the web: Regulating online child safety. Information technology & law series nr. 24. The Hague: TCM Asser Press.
Berg B. van den (2014), Regulating online child safety: Introduction. In: Hof S. van der, Berg B. van den, Schermer S. (Red.) Minding minors wandering the web: Regulating online child safety Information technology & law series nr. 24. The Hague: TCM Asser Press. 1-16.
Koops B.-J & Berg B. van den (2014), Who cares for identity information in government 2.0? An empirical study. In: Bishop J. (Red.) Transforming Politics and Policy in the Digital Age. Hershey: IGI Global. 238-260.
Berg B. van den & Leenes R.E. (2013), Abort, retry, fail: Scoping techno-regulation and other techno-effects. In: Hildebrandt M, Gakeer J (Eds.) Human Law and Computer Law: Comparative Perspectives.. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer. 67-89.
Berg B. van den & Keymolen E.L.O. (2013), Techniekfilosofie: Het medium is de maat, Wijsgerig Perspectief 53(1): 8-18.
artikel in tijdschrift
Berg B. van den & Hof S. van der (2012), What happens to my data? A novel approach to informing users of data processing practices, First Monday 17(7).
artikel in tijdschrift (refereed)
Berg B. van den (2012), Pieces of me: On identity and ICT implants. In: Gasson M.N., Kosta E., Bowman D.M. (Red.) An analysis of human ICT implants: Technical, legal and ethical considerations. Den Haag: TMC Asser Press. 159-173.
Kurz Th., Rücker C., Lampoltshammer T. & Berg B. van den (2012), Towards visualization and end-user verification in data protection law. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Legal Informatics Symposium (IRIS 2012). 507-514.
Wass C., Kurz Th., Rücker C., Heistracher Th., Leenes R.E. & Berg B. van den (2012), What Big Ears You Have - The European ‘Right of Access’ and Technological Implementations. In: Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2012. Washington DC, USA.
Berg B. van den & Hof S. van der (2012), What happens to my data? A novel approach to informing users of data processing practices, First Monday 17(7).
artikel in tijdschrift
Terug naar boven
Berg B. van den (2015), Mirror, mirror on the wall ... On identity and online profiling. In: Hansen O., Staszynska B. (red.) Dynamic Identity..
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