zaterdag 23 april 2016 Le Droit et la Justice... Pour qui?...

Bibi van den Berg que cette plateforme GOOGLE eut l'occasion de rencontrer... en REAL:

Wetenschappelijke publicaties
Berg B. van den (2015), Mind the air gap: Preventing privacy issues in robotics. In: Gutwirth S., Leenes R., De Hert P. (red.) Data Protection on the Move: Current Developments in ICT and Privacy/Data Protection. Law, governance and technology series. Deventer: Springer.
Berg J. van den, Zoggel J. van, Snels M., Leeuwen M. van, Boeke S., Koppen L. van, Lubbe J. van der, Berg B. van den & Bos T. de (2014), On (the emergence of) cyber security science and its challenges for cyber security education. Tallin: NATO. 1-10.
congresbijdrage (refereed)
Berg B. van den (2014), Colouring inside the lines: Using technology to regulate children’s behaviour online. In: Hof S. van der, Berg B. van den, Schermer B. (red.) Minding minors wandering the web: Regulating online child safety. Information technology & law series nr. 24. The Hague: TCM Asser Press.
Berg B. van den (2014), Regulating online child safety: Introduction. In: Hof S. van der, Berg B. van den, Schermer S. (Red.) Minding minors wandering the web: Regulating online child safety Information technology & law series nr. 24. The Hague: TCM Asser Press. 1-16.
Koops B.-J & Berg B. van den (2014), Who cares for identity information in government 2.0? An empirical study. In: Bishop J. (Red.) Transforming Politics and Policy in the Digital Age. Hershey: IGI Global. 238-260.
Berg B. van den & Leenes R.E. (2013), Abort, retry, fail: Scoping techno-regulation and other techno-effects. In: Hildebrandt M, Gakeer J (Eds.) Human Law and Computer Law: Comparative Perspectives.. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer. 67-89.
Berg B. van den & Keymolen E.L.O. (2013), Techniekfilosofie: Het medium is de maat, Wijsgerig Perspectief 53(1): 8-18.
artikel in tijdschrift
Berg B. van den & Hof S. van der (2012), What happens to my data? A novel approach to informing users of data processing practices, First Monday 17(7).
artikel in tijdschrift (refereed)
Berg B. van den (2012), Pieces of me: On identity and ICT implants. In: Gasson M.N., Kosta E., Bowman D.M. (Red.) An analysis of human ICT implants: Technical, legal and ethical considerations. Den Haag: TMC Asser Press. 159-173.
Kurz Th., Rücker C., Lampoltshammer T. & Berg B. van den (2012), Towards visualization and end-user verification in data protection law. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Legal Informatics Symposium (IRIS 2012). 507-514.
Wass C., Kurz Th., Rücker C., Heistracher Th., Leenes R.E. & Berg B. van den (2012), What Big Ears You Have - The European ‘Right of Access’ and Technological Implementations. In: Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2012. Washington DC, USA.
Berg B. van den & Hof S. van der (2012), What happens to my data? A novel approach to informing users of data processing practices, First Monday 17(7).
artikel in tijdschrift
Terug naar boven
Berg B. van den (2015), Mirror, mirror on the wall ... On identity and online profiling. In: Hansen O., Staszynska B. (red.) Dynamic Identity..


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