zaterdag 15 juli 2017

Le Club de Rome communique pour les lecteurs et GOOGLe...


The Annual Meeting was held in Puerto Rico on "The World at a Turning Point: Signs of Hope, Priority Issues".

A new Executive Committee was created, composed of Ruth Bamela-Engo, Belisario Betancur, Umberto Colombo, Ricardo Diez-Hochleitner, Orio Giarini, Bohdan Hawrylyshyn, Alexander King, Yotaro Kobayashi, Eberhard von Koerber, Ruud Lubbers, Manfred Max-Neef, Samuel Nana-Sinkam, Bertrand Schneider and Felix Unger. It adopted the Brussels Declaration, which sets out the orientation and actions for the Club of the Rome as we enter the 21st century.

As part of its communications strategy, the Club of Rome set up a web site on the Internet, facilitating access to a much wider audience for the Club's views and activities than traditional meetings and publications (for example, a discussion paper was made available on "Moral Values in Islam" by Bertrand Schneider). The site received 48,000 visitors in the first three months.

The German edition of a new Report to the Club of Rome, Factor 4: Target for Sustainable Develeopment by Ernst von Weizsäcker, reached the German bestseller list. It has since been published in several other languages.

1997 and after

A Conference was organized jointly with the Smithsonian Institution in Washington on "Will the New Media Transform Society?"

Reports are imminent on "The Rediscovery of Work" by Orio Giarini and Patrick Liedtke, and "Normative Conflicts and Social Cohesion".by Peter Berger; another is in preparation on "The Multimedia Society" by Juan Luis Cebrian. A project on governance is under way, led by Ruud Lubbers. Future meetings are planned in Asia and Russia; among the topics is "A New Approach to the Threats to the Environment".

The essential mission of the Club of Rome is to act as an international, non-official catalyst of change, contributing to increasing understanding and, at times, jolting the system into action. The need for a centre of innovative thinking, especially about social issues, is becoming increasingly urgent - it should be able to identify new global issues before they appear on the international scene and then analyse them, to tackle their root causes, not merely (as so often) their consequences, and to encourage preventive measures rather than belated action. In the past, the Club has proved its competence in this role; it will do its best to continue to do so in future.



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