Als essayist neemt hij uitgesproken standpunten in ten aanzien van de inburgering van de etnisch-culturele minderheden in Nederland en de Europese Unie.
Open brief aan de moslims van Nederland (2001)
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About the speakers
Andrea Teti is Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at the University of Aberdeen specializing in Middle-Eastern politics and democratization. He also writes about the political theories of constructivism and poststructuralism.
in: cooperation with ACCESS Europe
This evening's debate zooms in on the alleged 'democratisation' process following the beginning of the Arab Spring in 2010. Dr Andrea Teti (University of Aberdeen) will present his views on Europe's efforts to foster democratic transformation in the Arab world the past five years.
Le jeudi 28 avril, 20:00-21:30 - Spui 25, c'est à Amsterdam.
You can sign up for this program for free. Subscribing is not non-commital: we count on your presence. If you are unable to attend, please let us know via - Tel: +31 (0)20 525 8142.
Qui fait quoi en Europe et même en Ecosse? Et à Aberdeen:
The oil capital of Europe in the 70s:
C'est au chapitre Energie encore. On y revient régulièrement ici.
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