dinsdag 13 juni 2017

La transition écologique ou comment l'économie doit se transformer... Quels acteurs participeraient?...



Each level has its own set of actors that interact in different ways, broadly they can be defined into the following categories:
Government which creates top-down pressure from regulation, and the use of market incentives, while also encouraging the 'collective learning process' by supporting innovation financially and providing access to information provided by advisory boards[1][14]
Market-based actors, who interact both vertically through the supply chain and horizontally with other industry leaders to share best practice and create innovative ideas.
Civil society which is both the user of the end product provided by the market but also non-governmental organisations which can also provide pressure for change and space for innovation.


in: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transition_management_(governance)

Les possibles parties prenantes:

- les gouvernements
- le Marché ou les marchés
- la société des consommateurs
- les scientifiques et le monde des sciences, même de l'ensemble des sciences humaines

C'est quoi les sciences humaines et la protection de l'environnement, de la faune, des familles et de la flore?

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