vrijdag 28 juni 2013

C'est en Irlande...

Date: Thursday, June 27, 2013 - 18:00 to 19:30
Location: Science Gallery Cafe
Admission: Free

Science Gallery and Dublin Art & Technology Association (D.A.T.A.) present an evening of short talks and discussions on hacking and hackerspaces in the Science Gallery Cafe.

Andrew Schrock is a Ph.D. candidate at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California. He primarily researches mobile communication, specifically, MOBILE COLLECTIVES and the platforms that support them. He also likes thinking & talking about hackers (eg hackerspaces).

maxigas is a Ph.D. candidate at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3/UOC) in Catalunya. He is studying political economy of peer production, the history and social practices of hacklabs and hackerspaces, the ideological trajectory of cybernetics, and small scale open hardware projects. As a cyberpunk, he is also involved in building and maintaining infrastructure for social movements. HTTP://HACKSTORY.NET/ andHTTP://RESEARCH.METATRON.SH/

Denisa Kera is a philosopher and a designer, one of the initiators of the GeekDiplomacy.org network supporting research in developing countries. She builds design prototypes, critical probes and tools to enable common people from all around the world to reflect, deliberate, and participate in emergent science and technology issues. She follows and studies science community labs, alternative R&D places (Hackerspaces, FabLabs) and various DIY-bio movements, which offer a new model of how to connect policy and design.

Cathal Garvey is the founder of INDIE BIOTECH, an endeavor to provide tools, materials and learning resources for biotechnology to individuals worldwide. It aims to provide affordable, Open-Source-DNA development platforms, kits and strains. Cathal is also a Science Gallery Leonardo and a curator of Science Gallery’s upcoming exhibition, GROW YOUR OWN…

TOG is a hackerspace based in the centre of Dublin, Ireland. It is a shared space where members have a place to be creative and work on their projects in an environment that is both inspiring and supportive of both new and old technologies.

Recyclism Hacklab is a collaborative workspace focused on contemporary DIY and hacking practices. Within this multidisciplinary space both workshops and mentoring sessions in physical computing, hardware hacking and 3D printing are facilitated and taught. The Recylism Hacklab provides a wide range of creative practitioners an informal environment where they can engage in critical making, and receive support for self directed research and autonomous learning.

This event is funded by the Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin.


P.s: On s'amuse en Irlande... Je rappelle que ce blog est informatif et cherche à rassembler toutes sortes d'informations ayant trait à toutes sortes de domaines. C'est un âne transdisplinaire qui pense, qui cherche et qui écrit dans la transnationalité, ayant lui-même cette identité mixte si enrichissante quand elle est mise au service de la reliance. Lorsqu'elle cherche à relier le Sud et le Nord. Également, une recherche dans la compréhension du qui fait quoi dans cet axe nord-sud? La postmodernité, telle qu'il la comprend - pour l'avoir approchée étudiante - se pose beaucoup de questions et remet les choses en question pour les remettre BIEN en place. Vous remarquerez, puisque le sujet semble préoccuper nos compatriotes outre mesure, que l'âne joue à mélanger les genres;)... Quand Il et Elle interagissent...

Donc, pour en revenir à la question abordée dans ce billet: Qui fait quoi en Irlande? Qui a intérêt à utiliser les hackers par exemple? À l'agenda numérique, nous trouvons... Pourquoi dois-je souvent y revenir? C'est une intuition.

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