dinsdag 25 juni 2013

Tools for thought et interactions sociales...

Tools for Thought by Howard Rheingold

April, 2000: a revised edition of Tools for Thought is available from MIT Press, including a revised chapter with 1999 interviews of Doug Engelbart, Bob Taylor, Alan Kay, Brenda Laurel, and Avron Barr.
The idea that people could use computers to amplify thought and communication, as tools for intellectual work and social activity, was not an invention of the mainstream computer industry or orthodox computer science, nor even homebrew computerists; their work was rooted in older, equally eccentric, equally visionary, work. You can't really guess where mind-amplifying technology is going unless you understand where it came from.
Chapter One: The Computer Revolution Hasn't Happened Yet
Chapter Two: The First Programmer Was a Lady
Chapter Three: The First Hacker and his Imaginary Machine
Chapter Four: Johnny Builds Bombs and Johnny Builds Brains
Chapter Five: Ex-Prodigies and Antiaircraft Guns
Chapter Six: Inside Information
Chapter Seven: Machines to Think With
Chapter Eight: Witness to History: The Mascot of Project Mac
Chapter Nine: The Loneliness of a Long-Distance Thinker
Chapter Ten: The New Old Boys from the ARPAnet
Chapter Eleven: The Birth of the Fantasy Amplifier
Chapter Twelve: Brenda and the Future Squad
Chapter Thirteen: Knowledge Engineers and Epistemological Entrepreneurs
Chapter Fourteen: Xanadu, Network Culture, and Beyond

Howard Rheingold, né le 7 juillet 1947 à Phoenix (Arizona) est un critique, écrivain et enseignant américain. Ses spécialités sont l'étude des implications sociales, culturelles et politiques des rapports que l'Homme entretient avec les nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication, et tout particulièrement l'Internet, le téléphone mobile et les communautés virtuelles (ou virtual communities, terme dont on lui attribue souvent l'invention).

Diplômé du Reed College en 1968, il est parfois présenté comme l'un des « gourous majeurs dans le domaine des interactions sociales en ligne » 1.
Il a notamment publié en 1993 un ouvrage devenu célèbre sur Les Communautés virtuelles, puis Smart Mob 2 ouvrage prospectif qui annonce l'avènement d'une nouvelle révolution sociale utilisant les TIC pour coopérer entre humains et amplifier l'intelligence et l'organisation collectives.


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