donderdag 27 maart 2014

Où se situent les responsabilités des uns et des autres dans la technologie?...

Par eXemple:


European governments play a crucial role in this technological and social transformation, in particular in terms of the development and design of education and research that can lead to sufficient and qualified staff to make this transformation possible and to keep European industries globally competitive. Despite the uncertainty that every transformation process entails, close European cooperation between government and industry may provide answers to Langdon’s question at the beginning: “As we make things work, what kind of world are we making?’’

[1] Winner L. (1989) The whale and the reactor. A search for limits in an age of high technology. The Chicago press. Chicago. ISBN-10: 0226902110
[2] Rand Europe (2012) Europe’s policy options for a dynamic and trustworthy development of the Internet of Things
[3] Lier van B. (2013) Spimes, Cyber physical Systems and Industrie 4.0
[4] McKinsey Global Institute. Manufacturing the future: The next era of global growth and innovation. November 2012
[5] Internet of Things and machine to machine Communications (M2M): Challenges and opportunities – final positioning paper – May 2013. IoT Special Interest group. Technology Strategy Board
Ben van Lier

P.s: Ici, on préfère parler de l'Internet de personnes communiquant entre elles pour faire avancer les choses dans le bon sens. En respectant certaines questions fondamentales comme la vie privée, la dignité des personnes, l'intégrité morale, de goede zeden, etc. Car il ne faudrait pas oublier que la société peut se poser des questions quant à l'eXpérimentation mal contrôlée entre gouvernements et l'industrie dite créative. Cet après-midi, on rappelera M. van Lier pour avoir un peu plus d'eXplications.

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