The Walther Schuecking Institute for International Law boasts the oldest and largest university library specialised in international law in the whole of Germany, whose 135,000 volumes make it one of the biggest specialised subject libraries belonging to the University of Kiel. The library’s focal point is its celebrated collection on public international law, which is complimented by extensive collections on European and constitutional law. With the addition of the United Nations Depository Library, which can also be found at the Institute, the research opportunities available to members of the university and others interested in European and public international law are unparalleled. Our resources are held in such great esteem that visiting professors from throughout the world, as well as any number of other external guests, are attracted to conduct research here.
Students and other members of the university have the opportunity to connect their own computers to the university network in any of the three rooms in the library. External guests can access the library’s general catalogue, database and electronic journals via its two computers. A photocopier is available for duplication of reference materials.
The Library Staff is on hand weekdays from 9:00-16:00 to answer any questions you may have.
La machine copie et poste en ligne pour ceuX que cela intéresse. L'information a été reprise via la Justice internationale à La Haye. Du côté du Palais de la PaiX, la Peace Palace Library. Ce blog faisant un peu de publicité pour les bibliothèques, les livres, les écrivains et l'écriture en tous genres. De la création parfois. Même à l'heure électronique. Un travail fait en étroite coopération avec Google et son moteur de recherche. Et certains réseauX. Un travail consistant également à observer d'autres réseauX aussi. Surtout ceuX s'adressant à un jeune public mais aussi utilisant un jeune public. Ou les plus vulnérables consommateurs.
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