About JUSTICE, TRADE, CARE & TAXES... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telecommunications_Act_of_1996...
Rawls, John (1971) A Theory of Justice, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Public interest & the government
Public interest has been considered as the core of "democratic theories of government” and often paired with two other concepts, "convenience" and "necessity."[8] Public interest, convenience and necessity appeared first time in the Transportation Act of 1920 and also appeared in the Radio Act of 1927. After that, these three concepts became critical criteria for making communication policies and solving some related disputes.
[8] Napoli, Philip M. (2001). Foundations of Communications Policy. Principles and Process in the Regulation of Electronic Media. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press
in: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_interest
Sur l'intérêt général en Europe et le droit. A quoi sert la Justice GLOBALE?
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